pimpmonkey2382.313: OP meant vampire the masquerade, not vampries in general.
heartburnron: Ah so he did - guilty of just reading the tile - and misreading that too to boot. Oh well - my advice to the OP is just play Bloodlines first - just finished it for the first time myself 2 weeks ago and it's definitely one of the my favourite games now - everyone should try this game. Haven't played Redemption yet but picked it up in the sale last week...
Still recommend the Castlevania games to anyone who hasn't tried them though. Good stories and fantastically presented.
I've played a few different Castlevanias. My favorite was the PS One game that I can't remember the name at the movement -- you play as Alucard. The originals for good for the day. But I just can't do the 3D ones. The one's I've played, anyway, were just too hard for me. I kept falling and missing baddies b/c I can't get the 3d controls right. That was back in the PS2 days, though (a few years ago for me :D), so perhaps they've fixed the new ones.
After Bloodlines, I think I'll be vampired out anyway. I have many more RPGs to keep me occupied. :)
So far, I'm loving the game. It's got some serious depth to it. I'm about 10% of the way through (if the how long to beat website is any indicator). Plenty more to go!