paladin181: I agree with all you said except regional pricing. Either a thing has a value to its creator or not. Arbitrarily assigning a value based on where in the world a person is is ludicrous. If it's only worth $3.00 for the creator in Brazil, then that's what it's worth. What they actually say is "Our value is somewhere in the vicinity of 70% of the US pricepoint, and we'll use countries like the US and the EU members to make up for undercharging our other customers". I don't like over paying for a product so that a publisher can afford to take a loss selling their game for peanuts elsewhere. Either that or they are making SO much profit by overcharging US and EU customers that they can innately afford to take that loss, which is just as egregious to me. I don't make a lot of money, but I have to pay a higher price because I live in an area where some people so make a lot of money. That's not fair pricing at all. That's gouging some customers to support being able to sell to others.
The value of a good or service is what the potential customer is prepared to pay, not what the creator wants for it.
Ideally, both should be satisfied, yes, but if the potential customer does not want to -or cannot- pay what the creator says, the creator gets nothing, so if the seller wants to sell to that customer, they either have to lower the price (if the customer cannot pay the current price) or at the very least improve the good/service to a level where the customer is satisfied with the set price.
25$US for a Swede is very likely worth less than the same 25$US for a Barzilian, because it's probably a much bigger part of the latter's monthly salary than it is for the former - as such, while the Swede might not think much about spending that money on a game, the Brazilian might very much need to calculate if they can really spend that much. So, if the store wants to sell games to Brazilians (ie.
earn anything at all from them), they need to offer games at a price that Brazilians can afford, while the Swede is happy with a higher price because meh, it's not that much to them.