VWood: Does anyone know why the Chronicles of Riddick games were removed from sale?
They are nowhere to be found, except second hand on e-bay and the like, and I can't seem to find any news on why they are gone.
Will we see them on sale again?
nightcraw1er.488: No information. Only that the games were being removed:
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/chronicles_of_riddick_assault_on_dark_arena_removal Shame, as they are quite good.
Thanks, I didn't see that post.
The whole licensing thing surrounding games needs to change, it is damaging to their preservation. Look at movies and music; if you want to listen to Tschaikovsky or Mozart you can, want to watch Hitchcock's Psycho, go ahead, even Nosferatu can be viewed by anyone for goodness sake!
Things need to change, especially surrounding some of these older games, no one is benefiting from this.