Breja: They just reappeared for me, but the notifications won't disappear despite having been already clicked and seen.
real.geizterfahr: Everything's working for me again, including notifications.
Cavalary: Nothing on that bar ever dropped down for me on the forums (and other old style pages)...
real.geizterfahr: O.O It always worked for me on all browsers. But GOG is known for weird bugs, so everything's possible here. I had a "bug" (for some months) where the footer of the page was pretty far away from the end of a thread. When I moved the cursor over the last post of a page the footer came back up where it belongs. When I took the cursor off the last post, the footer fell down again -> This is how it looks with mouse hovering over something that should be pulling down (most of page darknened, with a few exceptions, nothing pulling down). Always did. Also, that big space, irrelevant of which post the mouse is over.