timppu: Sweet, I am not complaining about that. It seems to matter which file or game you are downloading too, or do those "extras" tend to download faster with a browser?
eric5h5: I tested downloading an extra (not that one), same download speed as games. I get Fastly here with a web browser; I suppose you could have gotten a different CDN for that file. With Galaxy I get Akamai, which is typically about 4X faster than Fastly, or probably more, since I get full saturation with Galaxy. Though there is that thing where downloading multiple files at once with a browser does max out the connection speed.
I didn't check it now but I normally (always) seem to connect to a Fastly server that is located near me in the same country.
I normally seem to get around 20-30 MBytes/sec with web browser downloads from it, but this time I got a bit over 50 MBytes/sec, which certainly was a a positive surprise. I don't recall it being that fast before, and it wasn't earlier either when I tested it a day or two earlier.
In my case, it doesn't seem to matter (much) if I download one or several files at the same time. With some other Fastly servers I tried, they seemed to behave differently, e.g. I would get 4 MBytes/sec with one file, 8 MBytes/sec with two files etc.
As for Galaxy, the last time I tested it, it behaves "oddly" that I get 70 MBytes/sec when downloading offline installers with it (ie. it maxxes out my 75 MBytres/sec internet line), while with normal Galaxy download/install I get "only" 50 MBytes/sec. Frankly, I would have expected the "normal" Galaxy download to be faster, but what do I know...
I still ponder though that when people report here the speeds they get on Steam, do they realize it is Mbits/sec, not MBytes/sec (which is how I think web browsers and IIRC Galaxy report the download speed)? Just make sure you divide the Steam speed with 8, to get a comparable figure...