Spinorial: You're still not trying to convince me, dammit -_-
joppo: You're out of luck there... but if it were my choice I would help akhliber, only because ggf162 already has at least 2 other GOGgers supporting him.
... on the other hand I can't see akhliber's post entering the giveaway, so unless you KNOW he wants the game I think you should back someone else.
No, I was mostly going blindly, based on his recent pickups of Deus Ex and System Shock. A Thief addition would have rounded out nicely his Looking Glass experience. He ought to enjoy the emphasised sneaky experience. I was making a wild educated guess...
...which is what happens,
when no one in here is trying to convince me :P
So, care to tell me what you know or have played of Thief?