Reever: If anyone should still want a Witcher 2 code, I still got one I'm willing to give away now :D (hijacking GA thread :P)
Sachys: Haven't finished the first yet - but make sure it gets a good home!
Reever: Ah come on, you can have it! I've got a backlog of around 130 games, going by that logic I should refrain from entering any GA or taking any gifts for the next 5 years :P
Sachys: GAGH!
Don't make me weak! MUST... RESIST!!!...
Reever: OH SHIT--- I thought it was about the first game, sorry XD Just wanted to send you the code, then I saw it :((((((
No wonder there were a couple of people in for The Witcher 2 :D
That means
I'm in for Sachys! (sorry again :()
Dear god! Your torturing the poor monkey! Quick, throw him some poo!