Happy New Year! Yeah, I'm kinda late... and drowsy... and awake when I shouldn't be and sleeping when I shouldn't have been... Not the most auspicious start to the annum :P
Good thing I thought to check up on this, then! I've probably been missing out on all the fun around here lately, but here's something I really wouldn't have wanted to miss out on. And since I still begrudge you winning it that first time to begin with, please brighten my nascent year with Jade Empire! (I think there's a cocktail in that name somewhere :P)
As to the weather, it seems fine, thanks for asking. Of course, fine is rather relative, considering it's also around -15. That's the daily high. Which is actually decently high, considering places like Winnipeg have been scoring sub-Antarctic temperatures. Not much sunshine these days, but that's probably for the better - the winds haven't been too strong (thus, not much windchill), and there was even snow for New Year's day! So, the weather is rather excellent for staying the hell away from the great outside ;)