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Thespian*: Congrats to the winners so far, and thanks again, lugum and all the donors!

Please, count me in for "Moto Racer 1 + Megarace 1+2" and "Moto Racer 2", in that order, if I may. ;)

As for your question, I live in Spain. Best bit: the food and the climate (if you live close to sea, which unfortunately isn't my case). Worst bit: our politicians. Bunch of corrupt and/or incompetent people...
You may ;) but i wont take any preferations in account when i draw, whatever gets drawn first and whoever gets drawn wins that.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by lugum
Thespian*: Please, count me in for "Moto Racer 1 + Megarace 1+2" and "Moto Racer 2", in that order, if I may. ;)
lugum: You may ;) but i wont take any preferations in account when i draw, whatever gets drawn first and whoever gets drawn wins that.
Fair enough. :D

(in my GAs I draw first the winners and then assign them the prizes for their order of preference, I though it could be the case here, too) ;)
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Thespian*
In for "Moto Racer 1 + Megarace 1+2 (GOG)", "Moto Racer 2 (GOG)" & "Defcon (GOG)". Thanks for the giveaway, lugum!

***Question for today: What country do you live in and what are some of the good and bad bits about it?***

I live in Turkey. The best bit of Turkey is probably the fact that you can live all four seasons at the same time. The worst bit is the political climate.
what the heck, i'm in for all of them today.

As I've said in a previous post, I live in Canada, northern Canada to be exact. Like, near the arctic circle.

Best part about this is the ( mostly ) free healthcare ( though with how much the conservatives are changing things I wouldn't be surprised if we lose THAT in the near future as well ). Also, my small town is surrounded by forests so there is always a lovely smell around here, particularly when it rains.

I can't think of anything overly bad about Canada right now besides the government sucking, but the worst part about living in this town? Well, this isn't the first winter I've seen wolves running down the road, and really isn't anything to do except go see the nearby waterfalls, and after 6+ years, seeing the same 4 falls over and over starts to get boring.
Thank you lugum and all who donated to this giveaway! :)
Come people, thought having some very cool GOG Games would bring some more attention and entries. :)
I'm in for Defcon.

I live in the USA.
Good bits: We have freedoms.
Bad bits: We are rapidly taking them all away and doing it to the whole world all at once.
In for Defcon

<--- Country
"Inspired by deryni"
Good bits: We had freedoms.
Bad bits: They are long gone.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by gegog
First, thanks to the donater for my win today and made my day...

Since I am only allowed one more GOG game I guess Im in for these 2

Moto Racer 1 + Megarace 1+2 (1 code) (GOG) donated by Gragar -2nd choice

Defcon (GOG) donated by anonymous--first choice

Hard question today..

I live in the United States and some good things are of course the freedom, and ummm....ummm, well at least they are starting to legalize marijuana in 2 states for over the counter sales starting the 1st... soon the rest will follow.. Even though I gave that stuff up 10 years ago it's stll cool.. Also where I live (Las Vegas) everything is open 24 hours and can do anything I want whenever I want..

Bad things would be that total lack of jobs... this new healthcare system... and lack of internet speed.. and way too much more to list but that's the first things that come to mind.
In for:
Moto Racer 1 + Megarace 1+2 (1 code) (GOG) donated by Gragar

Moto Racer 2 (GOG) donated by Licurg

Defcon (GOG) donated by anonymous

I live in the United States. The good, in comparison to many countries it is prosperous and there is a fair bit of freedom of speech and actions (but not without limits). The bad our leader's snobbish attitude to the ways and customs of other countries. We have too much tendency to look down upon others (even Europe) and insist our way is the only way. We can mistakenly bomb wedding parties in Afghanistan and rather than just say we are sorry, shift the blame (because they were shooting guns in the air, so we thought they were shooting at us). Don't get me started on the NSA and spying, or why we choose to support some countries over others. A little humility would do our leaders some good.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by RWarehall
Thank you for the day 7 games, lugum, Gragar, Licurg and anonymous! +1

Not in! I never understood the appeal of racing games, and Defcon is just not my type of game. Congratulations to the day 6 winners!
i'm in for all the day 7 games. i'm in the united states. a good thing about it is that there are free elections. a bad thing is the disgraceful fact that the nsa is spying on everyone.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by IT2013
Thanks Gragar, Licurg, anonymous and lugum.
Please count me in for Defcon (GOG). It's said to be unforgiving for mistakes in the early game phase. A good tactical challenge always hooks me.
Not in for Day 7, but thanks for the ongoing wonderful giveaway, lugum and all the donors (Gragar, Licurg and anonymous)! +1 to the rep once more!

Bike racers are cool, but I've got similar ones on console already. Defcon's scenario I don't really wanna play around with, the trailer looked a bit too close to the real situation for me. Just not my type of enjoyment.
I'm in for Defcon.

I live in the US, and a good thing is that its a land with many freedom. The bad thing is that most people here seem to choose to be !@#&$* who can't stop complaining.