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In for Knights of Pen and Paper. It sounds like a hoot.

The latest game I played was Geneforge. I'm still catching up from my Insomnia Sale splurging.
In for Wing Commander: Privateer..

I just finished couple of runs of Temple Run Oz on my phone..

Thank you!
Day 6: So let's see, if A farewell to Dragons (Gamergate) works.

Last actively played game was Patrician 4.
Ok Im in for

-Wing Commander

-Knights of pen and paper

I am currently working through Baldurs Gate

In for Wing Commander: Privateer (GOG).

Latest game is Defender's Quest. It's like bloody Civ in terms of addiction: one...more...battle....

And many thanks!
Post edited December 29, 2013 by wolfsrain
Not in, but thanks to all contributors of Day 6!
in for Knights of Pen and Paper!

Last game played was King's Bounty the Legend :)

Thank you!! :D
In for Knights of Pen and Paper.

I was playing Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn this morning. I've been working my way through the GDI campaign. Those damned flame tanks make me cry while my base is incinerated... I had to take a nap so I could regroup and hit it again this afternoon. I shall persevere and crush Nod. I hope!
I am in for knights of pen and paper.
I've been playing Left 4 Dead 2 since I got it a few days ago.
I'm in for Wing Commander: Privateer.
Right now playing Risen on Steam, but actually I'm watching TV.
I was playing Europa Universalis III for many hours today.
Will play Left 4 Dead 2 in a few hours, just for a while.
Thanks Lugum for today's giveaway and thanks to Lou, Sachys, and the anonymous gifter for the games.
Congratulations to the day 5 winners! Thank you for the new day games, lugum, anonymous, Lou and Sachys! +1

Not in for day 6!

I also get a "This product was not available" error when I try to view A farewell to Dragons. I hate region locking.
day 6 i'm in for wing commander privateer. most recent game played is howling dogs by porpentine... excellent twine game.
I'n here for Wing Commander: Privateer.

Thank you!
milito3515: I'n here for Wing Commander: Privateer.

Thank you!
As agreed i made an exception for milito3515.

however you still need to answer the question.