maggotheart: I'd like to enter for a chance at
Icewind Dale 2, please!
I don't New Years Resolution. My reasoning is that whatever my resolutions are, if I really wanted to accomplish them I would do it without having to make a 'resolution' during a specified time - that I'd probably end up breaking anyway (and then feel bad about it) because I wasn't really serious about it... if I were actually serious about it I would have resolved to do whatever it is without waiting for New Years to commit to doing it.
As for a normal, non-New-Years-resolution that I have made in the past, it would be to be less negative/combative and focus my energy on things and people that I like and enjoy instead. This means less bitching about things I hate and more discussing things I love. Spending less time with people who frustrate me and investing that time in people I enjoy being around. It's simple, but has improved my life immensely.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway Lugum, I hope that answer satisfies :)
Well its a bit short, but alright it satisfies. ;) :p
But you are totally right it if you want something you shouldnt wait for it to be a new years resolution and most do end up breaking them.