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600+ games discounted by at least 50%, bundle deals up to 80% off, daily personal deals!

It is here: 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale on! The biggest, the loudest, the most varied, and the most exciting sale we've ever done begins now. How big is it? There are way over 600 games from our catalog steadily discounted by at least 50%. How loud is it? Let's just mention the fact, that we're opening with a triple nuclear blast, giving away Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for FREE the next 48 hours. How varied is it? On top of regular discounts you'll have daily deals including games presented by YouTube personalities, hot thematic bundles chosen each day by our dear users, offered with up to 80% discounts, and--finally--daily personal deals where you pick one of the special offers available to you, and you only. How exciting is it? Well, you probably get the idea by now. So, there you have it: time to save BIG on the best games in history, available DRM-free for Windows and Mac.

This holiday season, your Winter Sale experience include the company of Jesse Cox, Force Strategy Gaming, Dodger from Press Heart to Continue, and the YogsCast team. Each day we mash-up a classic game (or games) with it's modern successors and offer them with high discounts, while our tube-casting friends explain why they consider such a blend interesting and worth playing.

2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Video Recommendations playlist

Section updated: Don't forget about your gamer friends that may not know yet! Sadly, for the sake of unburdening what servers we have, we had to turn off the option for gifting free games. But you can always just let them know they can sign up with and claim a free gift of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. On top of that, when they register to our service, they'll receive all the 12 free games we add to all the newly-created accounts. That way your friends will start their adventure with with a collection of 15 great games total already on their virtual shelves! Be kind, share the good news! :-)

We'd also like to remind you, that all purchases on are now covered with our new 30-day Worldwide Money Back Guarantee, so your holiday gaming shopping spree is safer than it ever was before.

Worldwide Money Back Guarantee announcement video

Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT. Happy holidays from team, everyone! And again, sorry for the server issues in the initial hours of our sale.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by G-Doc
Not wanting to be a "scrooge" but the "OUR GIFT TO YOU: PICK ONE SPECIAL OFFER FROM THESE 3 BOXES EACH DAY"....kinda sucks!

I clicked the Timeless Classic and was offered Tomb Raider Last Revelations + Chronicles...but I dont want it.
Buuuuut I can not see what was the Brave New Worlds or Random Magic! WHY?

Fine offer me 3 deals and only let me buy one - but only show me 1 deal and I walk away....

Hmm, not the best of starts (who am I kidding all Fallouts for FREE - GOG is great) will look else where for something to buy...
Post edited December 12, 2013 by SimpleUser
Hope people who pick the old game hidden offer have better luck than me. Seriously, why the hell is Fallout 2 in the selection pool when it's being given away for free?!
wtfgog.jpg (98 Kb)
Hoorah! that is all
OH MY GOSH! It's here !!!

Why I'm always broke for big sales?! WHY?! ;d
Who the hell is Jessie Cocks
"New game" for me was Costume Quest. (Already owned.)

It should probably offer a game you don't have yet. Just sayin'.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by adamzs
mrking58: I clicked on the classic box and I got fallout 2 for 75% off OMG I must pick it up
you you can either get fallout 1+2+tactics for free or spend money on just getting fallout 2? yeahiguessthatmakessense.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by groovebeat
Yeah, really not a fan of this pick the deal gimmick.
I chose Brave New Worlds and got Retro City Rampage.
Nice! Got ot say, the present-box option didn't seem to make much sense in my case though. Picked the Brave new worlds and got Botanicula, which I already own...
Paul31286: The only problem with those is that they can contain games you already own, which makes them kind of pointless for people who already have a lot of games on GOG.
Pennel: Same here. Great idea, but if you already own it you should be able to pick again.
Really? Oh. It gave me a game on my wishlist so I presumed that was how it works >_<. I agree that it shouldn't offer games you already own.
ABH20: Hope people who pick the old game hidden offer have better luck than me. Seriously, why the hell is Fallout 2 in the selection pool when it's being given away for free?!
Sorry but thats just funny

My sympathies, would you like Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles instead?
Looks like it's going to be a fun winter

You better not dissapoint, GOG
My "pick the deal" was Ring Runner (I chose newer), which I already own... The random deal is a good idea, it just seems to be implemented fairly oddly.
Timeclassic deal: Duke Nukem 3D - Already owned.

But hey, can grab a GOG copy of Fallout Tactics for free, so thanks GOG!