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600+ games discounted by at least 50%, bundle deals up to 80% off, daily personal deals!

It is here: 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale on! The biggest, the loudest, the most varied, and the most exciting sale we've ever done begins now. How big is it? There are way over 600 games from our catalog steadily discounted by at least 50%. How loud is it? Let's just mention the fact, that we're opening with a triple nuclear blast, giving away Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for FREE the next 48 hours. How varied is it? On top of regular discounts you'll have daily deals including games presented by YouTube personalities, hot thematic bundles chosen each day by our dear users, offered with up to 80% discounts, and--finally--daily personal deals where you pick one of the special offers available to you, and you only. How exciting is it? Well, you probably get the idea by now. So, there you have it: time to save BIG on the best games in history, available DRM-free for Windows and Mac.

This holiday season, your Winter Sale experience include the company of Jesse Cox, Force Strategy Gaming, Dodger from Press Heart to Continue, and the YogsCast team. Each day we mash-up a classic game (or games) with it's modern successors and offer them with high discounts, while our tube-casting friends explain why they consider such a blend interesting and worth playing.

2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Video Recommendations playlist

Section updated: Don't forget about your gamer friends that may not know yet! Sadly, for the sake of unburdening what servers we have, we had to turn off the option for gifting free games. But you can always just let them know they can sign up with and claim a free gift of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. On top of that, when they register to our service, they'll receive all the 12 free games we add to all the newly-created accounts. That way your friends will start their adventure with with a collection of 15 great games total already on their virtual shelves! Be kind, share the good news! :-)

We'd also like to remind you, that all purchases on are now covered with our new 30-day Worldwide Money Back Guarantee, so your holiday gaming shopping spree is safer than it ever was before.

Worldwide Money Back Guarantee announcement video

Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT. Happy holidays from team, everyone! And again, sorry for the server issues in the initial hours of our sale.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by G-Doc
NeroConiglio: Do you know if Rune Classic is in Timeless Classics or Brave New World?

It's an old game, but it's also a new version with added content.
jackster79: It appears that per this thread ( that Rune is not in any of the daily personal deals.
Thanks, I hope it will be on a daily deal then. And if doesn't show up I'll just grab it at 50% off.
Still have my fingers crossed that The Longest Journey and Dreamfall will be a deal at some point.
Ghorpm: I can talk about "The Swapper" the whole night if you want ;) I got it yesterday from my friend and man, I had a blast playing it. First of all - ignore tags. It's not an action game for Pete's sake! There is no action whatsoever there. Absolutely nothing is time dependent. Everything is up to you - how fast you can solve those puzzles. I would say it's a puzzle game in 2D platformer-like environment. I said that because it doesn't feel right to call it platformer game. There are no difficult jumps, no single-pixel-precision, nothing like that. Sometimes it happened that I fell and died but it was so because I was thinking too hard about the plot and didn't realize it's time to do something to avoid death ;) My bad ;) And yes, the plot is important. If I wrote here about it it wouldn't seem to be very original. But the way it's served in the game makes it very intriguing. It put me in a reflective mood and just a few games manage to do that. 95% of the game is about puzzles and the creepy, dark story and I found it great that there was no action/typical platformer part. I can, however, imagine that if somebody doesn't like puzzles too much he/she won't enjoy the game.
Pica-Ludica: Oh, I do love puzzles! Actually, puzzle platformers frustrate me a bit because they often require good reflexes and pixel-perfect manoeuvres in addition to logic, and for me it kinda gets in the way of the puzzle solving.
Thanks a lot for your input, now I'm very intrigued by the game. :) Since I'm not interested in either of tomorrow's Community bundles, I'll give The Swapper a go instead. :)
The soundtrack (which isnt included on GOGs) is actually quite nice as well :)
So today looks like I won't be getting anything which is good as I can save my money for the amazing deals that are coming, I can feel it in the Winter Winds what I want is coming to me in a good discount soon! I thought about getting Wing Commander 5 as 1.99 is a good deal but I think I will wait on it. I don't have the 3 and 4th games yet and I'm planning on getting on those...well...on PS1(I'm sorry). I got Wasteland 1 in the classic box today and was wondering if I should get it as I heard its a precursor to Fallout in some ways but I might skip on it for now. Gotta save money despite temptation ;)
Fallout Trilogy: TJTV-JLWS-92WX-E4CJ
Fesin: By the way, I can't understand all the people who are saying there are no interesting promos in this Winter Sale. I'm personally drowning in good deals, and there are more games for amazing prices than I could ever buy.
Probably because everyone has a different set of games they already own, a different set of wishlisted games and different set of tastes. ;)

Many of the promos are good, but sadly for me at least, almost all of the good promos that come up that have games I want in them - I already own them because I bought them last Christmas or throughout the year on promo etc. so while they're good promos, not good enough for me to purchase the same game twice. LOL

I did manage to get the Fallout promo which was awesome, and *finally* today a game came on sale that I both want and didn't already own - Wing Commander Prophecy.

The 3 mystery gifts daily promo has been particularly disappointing to me though because every day I chose one of them randomly and ended up with a promo for a game I already own. I haven't clicked on today's mystery promo as I'm going to stroll the forums to try to find out what is behind all 3 mysteries *before* I click on one of them in hopes that I can actually get an offer for something I want that I don't already own. :)

Anyone know if there are any threads where people are keeping track of the 3 mystery promos each day?
Fesin: By the way, I can't understand all the people who are saying there are no interesting promos in this Winter Sale. I'm personally drowning in good deals, and there are more games for amazing prices than I could ever buy.
skeletonbow: Probably because everyone has a different set of games they already own, a different set of wishlisted games and different set of tastes. ;)

Many of the promos are good, but sadly for me at least, almost all of the good promos that come up that have games I want in them - I already own them because I bought them last Christmas or throughout the year on promo etc. so while they're good promos, not good enough for me to purchase the same game twice. LOL

I did manage to get the Fallout promo which was awesome, and *finally* today a game came on sale that I both want and didn't already own - Wing Commander Prophecy.

The 3 mystery gifts daily promo has been particularly disappointing to me though because every day I chose one of them randomly and ended up with a promo for a game I already own. I haven't clicked on today's mystery promo as I'm going to stroll the forums to try to find out what is behind all 3 mysteries *before* I click on one of them in hopes that I can actually get an offer for something I want that I don't already own. :)

Anyone know if there are any threads where people are keeping track of the 3 mystery promos each day? I think this is what you're looking for.
Ophelium: I own yesterday's promo, today's promo and whichever tomorrow's is. Is owning a little more than a third of the catalogue really that detrimental?
I own 221 titles currently and I'd have to say "yes" hehe.

jackster79: Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor.... :-O
Even with sales I did not acquire that many titles in that short a span, ever, in any of the GOG sales! Holy Smokes! I bow to you sir!
I started out with a freebie in 2009, then over time picked up the odd other freebie that GOG added. It wasn't until about Nov 2012 though that I actually made my first purchase - largely because I never paid full attention to the website and GOG's philosophy with DRM-free etc., and also I'd never really been a paying customer of online digital downloads previously having preferred to buy all my games in a box in an actual store. But... that was then and this is now! :) I went from 10 freebie games a year ago to 221 in 12 months due to a combination of the crazy promo deals that GOG puts on and a small handful of games won in giveaways and some other freebies over time.

Beware! It can happen to you too! I'm wondering if some of us should consider starting a GOG Anonymous group perhaps? LOL
Post edited December 17, 2013 by skeletonbow
Shadowcat: Interesting that that worked for you. Maybe wiifi is somehow handled differently.

I didn't choose the offline option, because it never gets that far; the game just hangs trying to establish an internet connection. So for me, being offline prevents the game from offering to let me play offline -- I need to be online to get that option!
It's possible in the conversion to DRM-free that some aspect of the game didn't get updated, or some other type of glitch. I'd just contact GOG awesome support and see how they can help. Most likely the game just needs an update to fix a glitch. Perhaps it checks the game company's own servers for an update or something like a lot of games do and that code just needs to be disabled or something. Can you check with network diagnostics tools like the Windows Resource Monitor and see what IP address it is trying to connect to?

What game is it anyway? I missed the original post where the name of the game is mentioned, but if I own the game I'll install it and try to diagnose the issue myself and see if I can find a solution. I've already got an idea for a workaround if it is the type of issue I suspect it might be.

Indeed, thanks! Sadly, it looks like each of the 3 offers while not completely random do have variance from one person to another within a given day if I read it correctly, and some people don't mention which of the 3 deals they picked so there's likely an element of random chance to it no matter how one slices it. ;o/

Having been offered 5 out of 5 games I already own from the mystery promo so far, and the chance of one coming up that I don't own but also don't want being just as high it seems like there's only about a 10% chance of me striking lucky on a mystery promo deal. :oP I had hoped that there were just 3 deals per day period and everyone got the same deals and would post about them and I could view all 3 in advance before clicking on them and know what I was going to get and actually wanting it. :)

I did get Prophecy for $1.99 though and Fallout series so can't complain! But I've got all this money burning a hole in my wallet and GOG's not even tickling my leg yet! LOL
Post edited December 17, 2013 by skeletonbow
So the recommended deal gives you the bundle discount regardless whether you buy one or the lot. On other hand the community deal is only gives u the bundle discount if u get the lot (or have all the games already and buy single gifts. Hmmmmmmmm.
Any comment on Strike Zero dlcs? No reviews for either one..yet...
I started to wonder what is the delineating mark between a Timeless Classic and a Brave New World game? Is it by date? I wonder which games would fall in the grey area of possibly being both. Hmmmm, ponder, ponder...
Buenro-games: I started to wonder what is the delineating mark between a Timeless Classic and a Brave New World game? Is it by date? I wonder which games would fall in the grey area of possibly being both. Hmmmm, ponder, ponder...
Indies are usually in brave new world.
Older classics in timeless classics
nijuu: For those who bought Strike Suit Zero within the first month of launch on GOG , did you actually receive any free dlc pack (mentioned in the original launch promo) ?
Since noone answered you yet, yes, the DLCs were given for free to those that bought the game in the first month. No idea about the game though, haven't played it.
timppu: I just tried it myself (switched off wifi on my laptop and started the game), the game plays fine offline. Not sure why it isn't working for you. Did you choose the offline option in the game, and didn't try to log in to the leaderboards or whatever?
Shadowcat: Interesting that that worked for you. Maybe wiifi is somehow handled differently.

I didn't choose the offline option, because it never gets that far; the game just hangs trying to establish an internet connection. So for me, being offline prevents the game from offering to let me play offline -- I need to be online to get that option!
That's certainly odd. Anyway, when I disable wifi from the laptop (there's a switch that fully disables all wireless connectivity, both wifi and bluetooth), then it is fully offline, with no internet connectivity. So the situation should be similar to yours.

So does it work fine for you as long as you are connected to internet (offering also offline mode etc.), and fails when you have no internet connectivity? Then it is certainly behaving differently than the version I am playing seems to be working.

Hopefully support can clarify what it is about. Maybe I'll also retry by installing the game on my other PC, keeping it fully offline all the time (also when installing the game and running it the first time, albeit I don't think that should matter if you have successfully ran it while online, and after that it still fails when you are offline).
Post edited December 17, 2013 by timppu
Is anyone else experiencing the time left changing?

It was like 3 hrs a while ago and now it's 14 hours....

And I have only been able to open 3 boxes in 5 days?
Post edited December 17, 2013 by Thistler