tinyE: He logged off. He had to go to another forum where children hang out so that he could tell all of them that Santa Clause isn't real.
JCD-Bionicman: You like to point out when other people go offline, as if there's something wrong with not spending all of one's time on a forum waiting for a response.
I check back every so often for notifications. You may constantly refresh your page and stare at the screen until you see red (through eye strain or otherwise), or you might use GOG as your facebook, but I'm normal. I don't do that sort of thing.
Really don't understand how people can like a fake fighting sport. Movies, theater, and video games get a free pass because they can't possibly be real, and their depth makes up for it by far. Fake wrestling has no depth, unless you're twelve.
If you have seen a good wrestling match, you would know that wrestling can have depth. We know it's scripted but it's a form of entertainment. It's acting with stunts. Older wrestling at least is like watching super heroes in a ring. The wrestlers were larger than life, they did stuff no regular human could do. They were like super humans and that made it great. Sometimes the good guy won, sometimes the bad guy won. It was great entertainment. Just like how we watch movies, how we watch television programs. We know they're scripted but it's entertainment.
Also, I hate it when people claim that they're "normal" and someone else isn't. What is being "normal" anway? Doing what everyone else does?