Fictionvision: I think he will show up. He worked a house show a couple weeks ago I think, which I assume is a partial warm-up to see how he will do for mania. I've heard he will go against CM Punk, who could take most of the big bumps and work around Taker's age for a match imo.
Hovis1974: Yeah, that's what i heard as well, But like Tiny said, I'm just afraid they make him out to be some kinda decrepit buffoon like they normally make all their Legends sooner or later....Hope not
I actually thought he was gonna come out last week when Punk was out there talking about how much he was God out in the middle of the
I can see Taker coming out to do a promo and being interrupted by Punk doing the same stuff this week to demand a match. Problem is, outside of Lesnar coming down to F5 Taker in a No DQ match, I don't see how Punk could look like a credible threat against the Undertaker.
Also I don't think he will let the company make him look like a buffoon. He has been there long enough he would say no to anything the company wanted to do that would make him look like an idiot. I also think he will try for one more Wrestlemania next year and go into the Hall of Fame at the same time. I just hope he doesn't lose his last match, especially to Cena.