Tallima: Candy, for me, isn't really a big deal b/c I don't put chocolate in the same sphere as "candy." But the best "candy" for me is probably a lemonhead or something coated in chocolate.
Odd, but true. If you say candy when you mean chocolate bars, people here will blink a second as they re-adjust. M&Ms are considered candy, but most chocolate candy is just called chocolate. I think we mostly think of candy as 'sugar with other flavors.' lol
I used to like lemonheads and butterscotch (Werthers) when I was little. The only candy I eat even semi-often these days are those little Altoids mints, though I sometimes think I should count Ricola cough drops. Those taste so nice that I feel a little guilty using one when I have a cough ;)
Tallima: As for chocolate, I occasionally have a profoundly awesome chocolate. But my go-to is Lindt. Even with their changes, Lindt still gives a good chocolate every time.
Every now and then I'll splurge on some expensive chocolate and I understand that people like their complex nuances flavors. But if I drop $10 on a bit of chocolate, 9/10 it's not as good as a $2 Lindt. So I stick with what i know and love.
As for percent, 68%-75% are my favorite places to be. I sometimes have a desire to pick up a really nutty, dark 80%, but that's about as low as I go. I did a 92% once. Yuck. Too dark. 85% is too dark, but edible. 72% sits at the perfect candy-chocolate threshold for me. Sweet and delightful, complicated and dark.
I've had that experience too. We like to try new things around here, so we would try a nice 'fancy' chocolate we'd not seen before, and wished we'd stuck with Lindt...
I like that you acknowledge that there's a personal & cultural effect there. Some people like more intense food experiences than others. Some food cultures learn toward liking different flavors in their candy/chocolate too, like having hot peppers, insects, or seafood in it. (I don't like any of those.) My daughter likes the honeyed taste of Toblerone, but I like Trader Joe's 73% chocolate bars better :)
Tallima: On a completely different candy note, my niece told me about a year ago that Wonka Bottlecaps are impossible to find. I didn't believe her. But even past Halloween, I haven't seen one. Are they still out there? Although pretty much crap, I like one every year or two.
I haven't noticed any in the stores for awhile now, not that I really looked. I just checked and you can order them on Amazon, but only in bulk. Wonka's site still lists it as a thing - so you may still come across it somewhere. I guess its just not as popular these days.