Posted December 19, 2013
I'm kinda new to the forums but been around for a longer time. I had a question about the latest deals where you get 80% off if you buy all the D&D titles. But I already own two and i rather have BG 1 en 2 EE. Yet if you uncheck those items then you have to pay the full prices which is pretty lame.
And from what I understand you can't trade the game with other members as well, so I can't like trade BG1 and 2 with someone else? And is there a big difference between the original games and the EE? I know there are resolution patches etc but still.
I'm kinda new to the forums but been around for a longer time. I had a question about the latest deals where you get 80% off if you buy all the D&D titles. But I already own two and i rather have BG 1 en 2 EE. Yet if you uncheck those items then you have to pay the full prices which is pretty lame.
And from what I understand you can't trade the game with other members as well, so I can't like trade BG1 and 2 with someone else? And is there a big difference between the original games and the EE? I know there are resolution patches etc but still.