gmx: tell this to wulfclaw - he prefers origin :P
Oh please, don't be mean like that. He just happened to need urgent access to his full priced games right the instant that the GOG winter sales were starting. That happens.
Let's be honest here, aren't there times (specially related to gaming) when you need something so important it can't wait for an hour, yet not important enough to have it prepared beforehand? After all, we need to be supporting of our fellow men, specially at the expense of evil corporations. That's a given.
wulfclaw: That is the point... It is a Website. Why are my games only accessible and downloadable on html code with some bullcrap script that opens the downloadoptions under the game cover.
Sure it is fancy...
I do not want fancy, I want access. So why is there not an option to view the library as simple links with no fancy bullcrap script shit?
And to steam: Even at the sales I ALWAYS (at least the last 5 Years or so) could access my games and play them. Maybe I would have had problems buying new ones, but the basic funtion of accessing the alraedy paid for was ALWAYS there.
So the point is, this stupid sale affects me as a customer in accessing my games. Why in the nine hells would I even THINK about buying other games from GoG in the future?
So take off your rose tinted glasses.
a) the games are DRM-free. Keep a backup if you need them so accessible.
b) I haven't been able to play my games on steam during sales. I don't mean download, like you do here when you speak of access. I mean actually
play them. Because usually I can play them during "rush hour" by switching to offline mode to skip the server call, but there have been times when not even that works.
So I can think of quite a few reasons to buy here instead of steam. Then again, whether you do it or not is up to you.