hercufles: And to make things worse what if the server goes down because blizzard stops supporting it you got a copy of the game on your shell wich will be there only to fill your collection.
kavazovangel: They are still supporting Diablo, so I doubt that will happen with a newer game... but yea, I get your point.
I'd be more concerned if Diablo was online only. But, I don't believe that they're still selling the original game, or at least not a part of the bundle, so I suspect that at some point they'll decide to discontinue providing the servers.
But, OTOH, they might not, compared with the ridiculous amount of money they're making on new games and the damage that shutting the servers down would cause, they might just leave them up until the company goes bankrupt.
HampsterStyle: Technically Blizzard did put thought into the singleplayer experience by tweaking online solo. Because of this it just reinforces the "true" intent of the always-on-connection (DRM). If Blizzard was only concerned with protecting the AH, cheating, etc., then the obvious choice would have been to just set a demarcation between singleplayer and multiplayer like was done in the past (i.e. separate chars for each with no item transfer from sp to mp, and no AH in sp, etc.) There's really no excuse other than DRM for not having this option since singleplayer (online solo) was actually tweaked and developed alongside mp.
Neobr10: I dont really believe their "true intent" was to make a new DRM. I think they really wanted the game to be as focused as possible on multiplayer, and to make the transition between MP and SP easier. And in fact, they did achieve it. As a Diablo veteran, i have to say that it was a pain the ass not being able to use my char from SP on MP mode. I loved the idea of not having to make separate chars for MP and SP. And in order to do that, the only way was to make the always-online requirement. Thats the only way they could keep control of the game and avoid cheating and hacking.
The official explanation is basically that they don't think players are smart enough to know whether or not they want to play multiplayer and that they don't want people to start over with multiplayer if they started singleplayer. The comment was crass and condescending and came off as being a post hoc rationalization for the decision rather than the reason.
I think they figured out that WoW had extremely low piracy rates due to the model and wanted to do the same to Diablo. Or they figured out they could make a crapload of money from people playing online, but not so much from people that were just playing a singleplayer only game offline.