bevinator: WoW had a few at launch, like the furbolg rod quest or all the Tirion Fordring stuff. Mostly though I wasn't complimenting wow, but rather saying how incredibly bland all the DA2 quests were. To me, they were about on par with the Hellgate: London quests, except the quest dialog wasn't as witty. That's just terrible. At least the Hellgate quests were fun to read the first time.
Yeah that Fordring stuff ended pretty badly. Except for Van Cleefe I can't think of a single good questline they did in the first 40 levels (there was one other one but they never finished it, the Worgen one, where you keep reading about some evil scythe, you know which one I'm talking about I'm sure).
I know you're not saying WOW has great quests or anything, but saying it had anything but fedex and collect goblin noses quests originally would be a huge stretch.
orcishgamer: Yeah, he strikes me as a Cliffy B kind of jerk off. He knows best and you're just a lame gamer, he'd like nothing more than for you to fuck off and pay him his rockstar salary.
Delixe: To his credit he did reply to the critisim thread with "Keep it coming guys this is all useful stuff". Then again he said that about the DA:O feedback threads and produced DA2.
Are there so few people who strike gold in the industry that they feel compelled to keep handing these kinds of folks lead roles on all these projects? Serious question, kind of seems like publishers just hope these same people can keep striking gold for them and put them in charge.