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I'm in, and thank you for the giveaway. +1

I think the biggest emotional rollercoaster for me was Mass Effect without a doubt. All the experience you had during that game, the emotional investment you had for your character and your crew... and the anger when all that was ruined by the ending and generally by ME3... but even I had that anger the scene of the funeral by the extended ending made me cry.

Also Fallout 3 is a game full of emotions, you will not see Washington D.C. the same way after you've played this game, let alone your own personal storyline.
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm in.

I'd say Final Fantasy VII. The Story is really good and gripping. It's hard to explain without spoilers.
Not in, but plus one for the giveaway!
I'd say, ironically enough, The Walking Dead. For me anyway, its break out the Kleenex time with this one.
Oh, and both Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross.
I'm in
in all honesty,Katawa Shoujo.I know some people don't consider visual novels games but I do
Well,everything about it there's emotion,from the development process to the story itself.All the main characters are well developed,the soundtrack is just amazing and put it complements the scenes;the writing is also stellar that range from average everyday to tearjerker with great artwork to boot and it's free.
in & +1! :D

Most Emotional,crisis core,during the ending "battle" sequences,can't say any more because I'm going to spoil it :)
Thanks for the giveaway, daVigi! Please count me in. :)

One of the most emotional gameplay experiences for me was The Cat Lady, which I played earlier this year. The game centers around a woman suffering from deep depression, and it has some of the best storytelling in a game I can recall. When I played TCL I was going through some difficult times, and in a way this enhanced the emotional impact of the game on me. An unforgettable experience.

Another very emotional game for me is Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (as well as the first TLJ game). Again, very strong characters, and a very personal experience for them that really made me invested into their development. Both games left me with a sort of emptiness when I finished them - not because I was unsatisfied, but because it was just so bittersweet. The same applies to Gabriel Knight 3 - the ending leaves you wanting so much more, and it's quite emotional to see things end as they do after going through so much in the game, both with the character relationships and with the main plot.
I must echo mondo84's statment - The Cat Lady made me sad, made me happy, made me laugh and almost made me cry. I'm not an emotional type or someone that easily suspends disbelief, but this story actually made me care about the characters and worry about them when something bad was going on (which happens almost all the time).

Another game that made me feel something was Deadly Premonition. The first thing I felt was: relief. See, back in the 90s I was a big Leisure Suit Larry fan - to the point I played through the original, text praser one not knowing much about English vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Then the remake came out... and I couldn't get into it. I could identify the jokes, but I didn't laugh. I thought something was lost for me... And then, in Deadly Premonition, I've seen [mild spoiler]this[/mild spoiler] and laughed out loud. My sense of humor is still with me :)
The second thing is the bond the game makes with the protagonist. I don't want to spoil it, so I won't explain how it works... people need to play the game instead of listening to our ramblings, right, Zach?
Please count me in for Mondo84 if allowed daVigi and either way +1 for your generous GA!

As to emotional games there are several mentioned here already that resonate with me like Bastion, FFVII, Mass Effect, Walking Dead Season 1, Shadow of Colossus (unfortunately never got a chance to play the others Darilon mentioned).

I loved Bastion particularly, it had great characters and was a story of loss in many ways and the music just tugs on my emotions every time I hear it.
I'm In

I could go through a long and drawn out diatribe on the emotional impact of of each and every game I have played that really made me "Feel" something, I could go into each and every detail of how these games made me feel, but seeing as my chances of winning are "Random" and these post are supposed to be spoiler free I will instead give my top 5 list of games with a emotional punch.

1. The Walking Dead (X-Box 360)
2: Beyond : Two Souls
3: Alan Wake
4:Bio shock
5:Deadly premonition
Not in, but thanks for your generosity, daVigi!
I am in.

Crusader Kings II. Nothing like raising a child to adulthood, educating them the best you can only to have them murdered by your brother. I try not to have favorites anymore when it comes to my children in that game. The best ones always come to a sticky end.......

Thanks for the generosity. :)
Final Fantasy 7 and 8, Mass Effect series. Longest Journey/Dreamfall series. There are more, but those are the ones that come to me right now.

I'm in, thanks for GA and, of course, +1!
Okay, ladies and gentlemen.

Last chance for you to win. Roughly 24 hours left.

Please note that the winner will get both TWD S1 & 400 Days. I won't split them.
daVigi: Okay, ladies and gentlemen.

Last chance for you to win. Roughly 24 hours left.

Please note that the winner will get both TWD S1 & 400 Days. I won't split them.
I updated my entry. I hope now, it meets your requirements.
Post edited December 13, 2013 by monkeydelarge
Cheers, I'm definately IN!

Can't say offhand I've been one for finding myself particularly emotionally involved with games (though I may just be blocking it out), but I do remember finding myself choked at the endings of FF7 and 8 and having to "man up" before answering my mobile phone as it rang during the credits.