Posted December 16, 2013
So, when I completed this game, well, i was young.
This was my first RPG at all, and I loved every second of it, even if I was no good at it (Junction system was a nightmare for me, so I completely skipper all that things regarding it, powering up my characters by leveling...and if you know the game, you know that level-up is EVIL here, it only makes the game harder).
I remember that, at one point, the plot went non-sense at all.
So recently with the Steam release, I said: "Why not? Let's give a try again".
And I'm here, 41 hours later, with the game fully completed and...
-the junction system is easy, but makes you invincible. If you defeat enemies by carding them, leveling up only your GF and abilities, manteining your characters level low, you will always, and I mean ALWAYS, win every battle with one Renzokuken if Squall uses Lionheart attack. I defeated Omega first try with 10 minutes.
.The game is full of plot holes. I mean, until the end of CD1, the game has a sense. After that, there are so many wrong things on it that is difficult for me to tell if there's something good into it.
Why Squall is alive? And this is only one question.
The ending. The ending is completely pointless and non-sense. So they go to the future ( I can't say how they did this :\) to kill Ultimecia.
By killing her, they will prevent Edea's fool stage, because Ultimecia can't pass her powers to Edea, so Edea will not go crazy, will not kill the president and so on.
BUT. As soon as we kill Ultimecia,a cutscene show us that Ultimecia PASSES her powers to Edea: after that, Squall is lost in a limbo until Rinoa retrieve him and then titles occurs.
Basically the ending is a time loop, and killing Ultimecia is completely useless.
Why the hell developers give this game an ending like this? It's intentional or is another "plot hole"?
Also the writing is terrible in this game, there are so many "no no" situations that even while a character die there is no drama at all (just check the scene when the party think that Seifer is gone :I).
This was my first RPG at all, and I loved every second of it, even if I was no good at it (Junction system was a nightmare for me, so I completely skipper all that things regarding it, powering up my characters by leveling...and if you know the game, you know that level-up is EVIL here, it only makes the game harder).
I remember that, at one point, the plot went non-sense at all.
So recently with the Steam release, I said: "Why not? Let's give a try again".
And I'm here, 41 hours later, with the game fully completed and...
-the junction system is easy, but makes you invincible. If you defeat enemies by carding them, leveling up only your GF and abilities, manteining your characters level low, you will always, and I mean ALWAYS, win every battle with one Renzokuken if Squall uses Lionheart attack. I defeated Omega first try with 10 minutes.
.The game is full of plot holes. I mean, until the end of CD1, the game has a sense. After that, there are so many wrong things on it that is difficult for me to tell if there's something good into it.
Why Squall is alive? And this is only one question.
The ending. The ending is completely pointless and non-sense. So they go to the future ( I can't say how they did this :\) to kill Ultimecia.
By killing her, they will prevent Edea's fool stage, because Ultimecia can't pass her powers to Edea, so Edea will not go crazy, will not kill the president and so on.
BUT. As soon as we kill Ultimecia,a cutscene show us that Ultimecia PASSES her powers to Edea: after that, Squall is lost in a limbo until Rinoa retrieve him and then titles occurs.
Basically the ending is a time loop, and killing Ultimecia is completely useless.
Why the hell developers give this game an ending like this? It's intentional or is another "plot hole"?
Also the writing is terrible in this game, there are so many "no no" situations that even while a character die there is no drama at all (just check the scene when the party think that Seifer is gone :I).