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So, when I completed this game, well, i was young.
This was my first RPG at all, and I loved every second of it, even if I was no good at it (Junction system was a nightmare for me, so I completely skipper all that things regarding it, powering up my characters by leveling...and if you know the game, you know that level-up is EVIL here, it only makes the game harder).

I remember that, at one point, the plot went non-sense at all.

So recently with the Steam release, I said: "Why not? Let's give a try again".

And I'm here, 41 hours later, with the game fully completed and...

-the junction system is easy, but makes you invincible. If you defeat enemies by carding them, leveling up only your GF and abilities, manteining your characters level low, you will always, and I mean ALWAYS, win every battle with one Renzokuken if Squall uses Lionheart attack. I defeated Omega first try with 10 minutes.

.The game is full of plot holes. I mean, until the end of CD1, the game has a sense. After that, there are so many wrong things on it that is difficult for me to tell if there's something good into it.

Why Squall is alive? And this is only one question.


The ending. The ending is completely pointless and non-sense. So they go to the future ( I can't say how they did this :\) to kill Ultimecia.

By killing her, they will prevent Edea's fool stage, because Ultimecia can't pass her powers to Edea, so Edea will not go crazy, will not kill the president and so on.

BUT. As soon as we kill Ultimecia,a cutscene show us that Ultimecia PASSES her powers to Edea: after that, Squall is lost in a limbo until Rinoa retrieve him and then titles occurs.

Basically the ending is a time loop, and killing Ultimecia is completely useless.

Why the hell developers give this game an ending like this? It's intentional or is another "plot hole"?

Also the writing is terrible in this game, there are so many "no no" situations that even while a character die there is no drama at all (just check the scene when the party think that Seifer is gone :I).
Don't worry; all can be explained:

And by 'explained', I mean 'turned into a source of endless dispute'.
I like this theory that squall dies at the end of disk 1.
As I've gotten older, I've tended to feel that Sqauresoft games (at least since the PSX era) are more stylistic exercises than actual attempts to tell a story. I haven't discussed Square games on the 'net since the early 2000s, though, so I have no idea if I'm stepping in a hornet's nest by saying that.
Punished_Snake: So, when I completed this game, well, i was young.
This was my first RPG at all, and I loved every second of it, even if I was no good at it (Junction system was a nightmare for me, so I completely skipper all that things regarding it, powering up my characters by leveling...and if you know the game, you know that level-up is EVIL here, it only makes the game harder).

I remember that, at one point, the plot went non-sense at all.

So recently with the Steam release, I said: "Why not? Let's give a try again".

And I'm here, 41 hours later, with the game fully completed and...

-the junction system is easy, but makes you invincible. If you defeat enemies by carding them, leveling up only your GF and abilities, manteining your characters level low, you will always, and I mean ALWAYS, win every battle with one Renzokuken if Squall uses Lionheart attack. I defeated Omega first try with 10 minutes.

.The game is full of plot holes. I mean, until the end of CD1, the game has a sense. After that, there are so many wrong things on it that is difficult for me to tell if there's something good into it.

Why Squall is alive? And this is only one question.


The ending. The ending is completely pointless and non-sense. So they go to the future ( I can't say how they did this :\) to kill Ultimecia.

By killing her, they will prevent Edea's fool stage, because Ultimecia can't pass her powers to Edea, so Edea will not go crazy, will not kill the president and so on.

BUT. As soon as we kill Ultimecia,a cutscene show us that Ultimecia PASSES her powers to Edea: after that, Squall is lost in a limbo until Rinoa retrieve him and then titles occurs.

Basically the ending is a time loop, and killing Ultimecia is completely useless.

Why the hell developers give this game an ending like this? It's intentional or is another "plot hole"?

Also the writing is terrible in this game, there are so many "no no" situations that even while a character die there is no drama at all (just check the scene when the party think that Seifer is gone :I).
Spoony knows how you feel :(
Why do people depend on each other?) (In the end, you're on your own.) (I've made it this far by myself.) (Sure, I couldn't do a thing when I was a kid...) (I've depend on others, but...) (I'll be the first one to admit that I'm here because of other people.)...(I'm fine by myself now. I have all the skills I need to survive. I'm not a child anymore.) (That's a lie. I don't know anything. I'm confused.) (I don't want to depend on anyone. How can I do that?) (Someone tell me...) (Someone? So I'll end up depending on others after all.)

That's what Final Fantasy 8 is about, and to quote Squall.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by lugum
never gave a damn about final fantasy story after final fantasy 3/6. the last one i actually enjoyed and was the final to the this fantasy for me
The point of allowing a loop is to make sure all of the events happen again, instead of creating a new, uncertain future where they did not meet the people that were closest to them. Squall might not have had any reason to meet Rinoa if not for the mission. A new sorceress could have taken over without the formation of SeeD to fight against her. Zell might not have ever discovered a hotdog in his lifetime.

So stopping a loop where they had a winning ending wasn't very feasible, even if the storyline was a bit odd in general. Still entertaining though. :)
Slayer1514: I like this theory that squall dies at the end of disk 1.
oh my god ... I had never seen on that way ... is horrible but everything fits ... never wanted to see this end for squall... D:
I liked the music though. And it was one of the few cool intro that made ma want to become a cgi artist. end up being a DBA now...

I'll get it when its only sale ala FF7.
Slayer1514: I like this theory that squall dies at the end of disk 1.
sharp299: oh my god ... I had never seen on that way ... is horrible but everything fits ... never wanted to see this end for squall... D:
yeah i hate that my friend showed it to me, even though i personally do not believe this is what takes place, its still there sitting in the back of my mind every time i replay the game
I think it says something about the writing of this game that a crackpot theory seems to be the most logical and fitting explanation to the events in the game.
RaggieRags: I think it says something about the writing of this game that a crackpot theory seems to be the most logical and fitting explanation to the events in the game.
Haha, yeah. It's kinda like an ink blot, ain't it?
Anyone thinks that Ultimecia is simply Rinoa?

Because for me this could be the only reason to explain the final boss of this game (also she uses Griever as GF).
sharp299: oh my god ... I had never seen on that way ... is horrible but everything fits ... never wanted to see this end for squall... D:
Slayer1514: yeah i hate that my friend showed it to me, even though i personally do not believe this is what takes place, its still there sitting in the back of my mind every time i replay the game
To add to the fun, there's a theory kicking around on TV Tropes that the whole game is meant to be a savage deconstruction of the way JRPGs commonly have an unsupervised bunch of adolescents wandering around and getting knee-deep in combat. In FFVIII you get adolescent soldiers with, not unreasonably, immature attitudes and psychiatric problems.

Cheerful game, isn't it? ^_^