Sachys: Sadly mate, that doesn't work for all cases as there are many reasons to have anxiety / anxiety related disorders, though I've no doubt it will work for some.
Edit: blimey. didnt realise nobody had posted in three days...
You are correct.. it won't work for everyone but it is a good start I believe.... There are so many causes for anxiety, depression, panic attacks etc etc.. and nobody (at least I think) wants to rely on medication for the rest of their life..
I just know I have dealt with it for a long time and has gotten better with the tips I listed above but is also not totally gone either.. I just hate it when I see a doc about this stuff all they want to do is throw an assortment of medications at you and if that doesn't work then they mix up another pill cocktail..
I realize it's hard to get into routine with exercise and eating better and all that stuff but if your body feels better.. so will your mind.. and then of course benzo's don't hurt either.. Im just turned 35 and have been dealing with it all since I was 23 and realistically don't think I will ever be normal.. Funny how it just starts one day out of nowhere.
KungFooZombie: Oh, and I have noticed that chemical stimulants really fire up the anxiety. That goes for: cafeine, sugar, Ritalin, chocolate (has some of the same ingredients as coffee). Also, gatting not enough sleep can even make me wake up completely nervous and anxious. I know it's a vicious circle (can't sleep because of anxiety and anxious because due to lack of sleep), but try to get that sorted out first (medication?). Sounds like an old wive's tale, but sleep is soooo important to battle anxiety.
Yeah... sleep, sleep, sleep.. it's really one of the most important things.. Also I forgot to mention I believe a lot of this is also caused by low self esteem also.. If your not in a relationship, try to find one and have lots and lots of it will make all the difference in the world.. Hang in there people.. I'm living proof whatever method or route you go it will eventually get better