Phc7006: it confirmed that most of its business model nowadays is to sell steam keys,
Psyringe: Are you sure? When I'm looking at the catalog, only about 15% of items are sold as Steam keys (even less if you don't count DLC). GG keeps offering Steam-free versions of many games even though customers are constantly asking them to go "full Steam". If the publishers decide to release a game Steam-only or to discontinue a non Steam.version (as recently happened with Crusader Kings 2), they have no choice but to sell that version (or none at all).
Phc7006: If I remeber well, they offered a compensation ( a rebate during one year). A bit later, they had a similar issue with Borderlands ....
Psyringe: Not quite. The Bethesda and Borderlands issue was the same thing,
On the first point, It's just my feeling. Of course, from their point of view, they haven't much other option than to follow the publishers, and that means that many newer games offered are Steam keys. And, true enough, that corresponds to what many gamers want. But that means that GG is to some extent, subject to Steam's considerable gravity field. With Paradox now going all out for Steam-only releases, GG lost yet another of its distinct features. Admittedly, that's Paradox's doing, not GG's. Still, why would I then buy from GG and not from Steam ?
On the second point, for customers, a repetition of a bug twice over about 5-7 days still looks weirder than a single occurence. Now errors happen ,and in the end, my problem is more with those massive, deeply discounted, sales than with the errors that happen during those periods. It surely encourages short-term spending, but it's not clear what the medium / long term effect will be on creativeness and innovation.