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I don't want to believe what I'm reading here. I really don't.
Because it would mean I'm actually a freak instead of nerd, who, for example:
- hates MOOs,
- loves Dark Messiah (and all its 'bloody' parts)
- spent a great deal of her life playing Thief(s) & Thievery...
- ... all Infinity Engine games...
- as well as most of the games from 'What's this game' thread
But on the other hand, I'm so used to opinions already voiced in this thread that my only reaction should be: 'meh'.
And I still love this place and you won't be able to chase me off, even with all this stereotypical points of view. ;)
Post edited July 08, 2009 by Thiev
Thiev: - hates MOOs,
- loves Dark Messiah (and all its 'bloody' parts)
- spent a great deal of her life playing Thief(s) & Thievery...
- ... all Infinity Engine games...
- as well as most of the games from 'What's this game' thread

Aside from the thief part: Meh, I know one of your kind in my surrounding as well :-P Hmmm... Actually, she hates all infinity engine games beside Planescape Torment... However loves UT3 because it's shiny! (frankly, that's the reason I love it as well)
I am an avid girl gamer and have been since I was 5.
I have owned an Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, SNES, PS1, PS2, XBOX, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, XBOX 360, Wii, PS3 and various iterations of PC. I build my own PCs and I love upgrading them and making them shiny. I also work in a very IT based industry and I'm working towards an IT degree. Originally, I was accepted into Uni to do Comp. Games Technology but dropped out of College. I had a talent for coding and ran a semi-successful MUD with a friend that taught me a lot about the trade...
I play mostly RPGs and Adventure games, but I play stuff like Gears of War and all the other famous FPS and stuff. I don't like to play multiplayer, because I don't enjoy competitiveness so much and I'm naturally competitive.. I like to play for fun. I also enjoy the odd MMO, mostly WoW and EVE Online.
The only exception is RTS. I suck so bad at them. I can deal with turn based, and enjoy HOMM, X-COM and such, but RTS I am royally bad at.
Just thought I'd chime in :D.
Post edited July 08, 2009 by nimagraven
Fenixp: Actually, she hates all infinity engine games beside Planescape Torment...

Well, I find them boring unless modded, same as NWN - you play it for mods, not for OC ;)
nimagraven: The only exception is RTS. I suck so bad at them. I can deal with turn based, and enjoy HOMM, X-COM and such, but RTS I am royally bad at.

Same here. Although Dune 2 was an exception to my 'RTS inaptitude :D
I really hope my wife never reads this thread.
It is unlikely as she needs to start Tales of Monkey Island, finish Infamous and get online tonight for a Empires at War session.
nimagraven: I have owned an Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, SNES, PS1, PS2, XBOX, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, XBOX 360, Wii, PS3 and various iterations of PC=

Damn, I'm bitterly jealous over the Amiga 1200, I always wanted one!
Weird that you can play twitchy games like gears but suck at RTS', I've seen that a lot and never quite understood it
nimagraven: I have owned an Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, SNES, PS1, PS2, XBOX, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, XBOX 360, Wii, PS3 and various iterations of PC=
Aliasalpha: Damn, I'm bitterly jealous over the Amiga 1200, I always wanted one!
Weird that you can play twitchy games like gears but suck at RTS', I've seen that a lot and never quite understood it

Because playing an RTS is like herding cats....
Yeah, let's grill some gamers!
nimagraven: The only exception is RTS. I suck so bad at them. I can deal with turn based, and enjoy HOMM, X-COM and such, but RTS I am royally bad at.
Thiev: Same here. Although Dune 2 was an exception to my 'RTS inaptitude :D

Dune 2!! My only exception also :) I played that to death as a kid on the Amiga.
So easy to rig the game as well, just edit one of the files and you can determine the units etc that you start with and the enemy starts with :D.
Aliasalpha: Damn, I'm bitterly jealous over the Amiga 1200, I always wanted one!
Weird that you can play twitchy games like gears but suck at RTS', I've seen that a lot and never quite understood it

The Amiga 1200 was amazing as was the 500. I still hold fond memories of both machines and that was really "where it all started" for me.
My main problem with RTS is I play very defensively. I like to watch my base expand and build up, then a huge army comes and kicks my ass. I played Homeworld and enjoyed that and also I was pretty good at Dune 2 back in the day until it got tougher in the later levels.
Heh, I've been like that too. Then I've played Dawn of War. That game changes lives! :D (when I've learned to be offensive in DoW, other strategy games were suddenly muuch easier)
nimagraven: My main problem with RTS is I play very defensively. I like to watch my base expand and build up, then a huge army comes and kicks my ass.

Have you played Supreme Commander? Turret Creep is just about as effective a tactic as standard army hoarding I have found.
Its the same with Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War, especially the original when there wasn't a limit on the number of turrets. I used to replicate my old C&C bases, I made base walls out of turrets, expensive but also very defensive.
When they did put a limit on the number of turrets you could make in the expansions, I used to rush forward towards the enemy base as fast as I could, take the closest strategic point and build a turret nest to effectively bottle the enemy up in their own base, then I could tech up and stomp them at my leisure.
A thread on this subject pops up roughly every 6 weeks.
There's nimagraven, there's me ('scuse me I think my sig line says it all).
I'm old enough to be a pen-'n-paper RPG'er who moved laterally into PC RPGs. I got bored with elves in high school and I have a lot more fun rp'ing dwarves and sometimes gnomes. I owned an Atari as a kid, but I wasn't an addict. I love turn-based strategy, some RTS, adventure games, and I even own Rail SImulator. FPS tends to bore me, my reflexes aren't that good anymore and some of the newer ones have graphics that are too good and give me vertigo.
My kids haven't caught up yet, but they will. ;)
Aliasalpha: Its the same with Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War, especially the original when there wasn't a limit on the number of turrets. I used to replicate my old C&C bases, I made base walls out of turrets, expensive but also very defensive.
When they did put a limit on the number of turrets you could make in the expansions, I used to rush forward towards the enemy base as fast as I could, take the closest strategic point and build a turret nest to effectively bottle the enemy up in their own base, then I could tech up and stomp them at my leisure.

As much as I liked the move to creating more combined arms focused armies I really did miss getting to spam an entire army of terminators and teleport them all into the middle of the enemy base.
Nah drop pods are where its at, infiltrate a scout unit into the enemy base, drop pod a few squads of terminators and your force commander who then does an orbital bombardment as soon as he gets out. Ahh good times...
Luned: there's me ('scuse me I think my sig line says it all).

Not really, you COULD be a guy with a midget fetish.