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Please help us make a better place and get Realms of Arkania 1+2 for free.

Short version:
1. Complete the survey below.
2. Enter your correct e-mail address.
3. Get a copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2 sent to you via mail next week.
4. If you own RoA 1+2 you can gift it to a friend!

Long version:
The Annual Gamer Survey is now our yearly tradition, so once again we ask that you spare 5 minutes of your time and help us make your favorite digital distribution platform a better place. Taking part in it isn't mandatory of course, but recommended if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is.

Filling out the Gamer Survey 2012 does not only guarantee you lifelong happiness but also grants you a free copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2. When completing the survey, enter your e-mail address and we'll be sending you codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 next week, after the survey is completed. If you already own Realms of Arkanie 1+2, the code can be gifted as well.

Grab a pencil... er, a keyboard in your hands and answer the questions below for a better future mankind (with the exeption of non-gamers), and expect a special gift from in your mailbox in a few days. Remember that all the small red " * " stars mark the questions that are required.

[i]The survey ends on Monday, September 17 at 9:59 AM GMT. We will start sending out codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 after all the entries are processed.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by Chamb
Funny you didn't ask, but to the questions what's important when buying classics, premium, or whatever type of game on GoG, it is ALWAYS that it's DRM free for me.
I bought The Witcher 2 here because it was DRM free here (and regretted it, because of the patch later. I'd rather have had the box, then). I bought Resonance and the Blackwell bundle because it was DRM free here.
Remove that, and there is no reason why I would buy here.
As a regular customer, I would have filled the survey even without the games attached, but thank you very much for the nice incentive! :)
wizisi2k: ed the survey a while ago and am still waiting on my game keys. I hope they arrive soon
rodrolliv: The survey's description says they will start sending the codes on September 17th.
guess I saw the part about a free game and didn't read the 'key comes at end of survey' part. Silly me
At least the GOG staff has learnt its lesson and increased the choice for the maximum number of games that you own. Last year it was 30...HAHAHA! But 50 also isn't much better for a real GOG addict.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by de_Monteynard
Shadow warrior, Dune 2, Lemmings. Can't find them. GOG, plz, these are classics...
All good bugs, are dead bugs! I did my part!
For me it's DRM free, priced right,..and usually older classics.
Done and will be gifting my copy. Nice to throw in a free game (Arkania 1+2 is awesome) for being a participant.
darthspudius: All good bugs, are dead bugs! I did my part!
I did my part too. :D;t=1m14s
I love free games. Done!
Honestly, I absolutely love the perks. Of course DRM-free is great and is THE reason to buy here, but the perks, oh the perks. The Witcher 2 just updated with a beautiful high quality art book. For an art nerd like me this is like Christmas.

Keep up fighting the good fight GoG
Done :D cant wait!
oani00: Shadow warrior, Dune 2, Lemmings. Can't find them. GOG, plz, these are classics...
I was glad to participate in this survey. :) The games attached are a good perk, but this site has given me back so many classics plus a few new ones to fall in love with that I would have given my feedback for free.
EbonJackal: I was glad to participate in this survey. :) The games attached are a good perk, but this site has given me back so many classics plus a few new ones to fall in love with that I would have given my feedback for free.
^ this.