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Please help us make a better place and get Realms of Arkania 1+2 for free.

Short version:
1. Complete the survey below.
2. Enter your correct e-mail address.
3. Get a copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2 sent to you via mail next week.
4. If you own RoA 1+2 you can gift it to a friend!

Long version:
The Annual Gamer Survey is now our yearly tradition, so once again we ask that you spare 5 minutes of your time and help us make your favorite digital distribution platform a better place. Taking part in it isn't mandatory of course, but recommended if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is.

Filling out the Gamer Survey 2012 does not only guarantee you lifelong happiness but also grants you a free copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2. When completing the survey, enter your e-mail address and we'll be sending you codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 next week, after the survey is completed. If you already own Realms of Arkanie 1+2, the code can be gifted as well.

Grab a pencil... er, a keyboard in your hands and answer the questions below for a better future mankind (with the exeption of non-gamers), and expect a special gift from in your mailbox in a few days. Remember that all the small red " * " stars mark the questions that are required.

[i]The survey ends on Monday, September 17 at 9:59 AM GMT. We will start sending out codes for Realms of Arkania 1+2 after all the entries are processed.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by Chamb
Though I would have gladly taken the survey just to help the website, free stuff like this is what makes so awesome. But i agree about the not buying new games here as much. However, if they happen to get Baldur's Gate Enhanced at/near release, I fully intend to buy it here.
Expanding on documentation being important for early games, I find it sort of annoying that GOG insists on shoving everything that isn't the game itself under the label of "goodies." Do I care about "goodies?" Well, I sure do want the manual. Wallpaper? No, I don't care about that. So is it important to me that a game be "packed with goodies?" Yes? No? Maybe?

I thought the survey was kind of badly designed in general, actually. They make a huge point (in their business model, not the survey) of making games run on modern systems, but there's no way to tell them you think that's important when they ask you why you buy old $6/10 games from them. They keep asking if it's important for me to "have a game in my collection," and I'm not even sure what that means; I buy the games to play them, and I can't play them if they're not in my collection, but that makes me sound like some sort of deranged pack rat; the "I buy it because I want to play it" option doesn't exist for the 1-3 year old or day-1 releases, for some reason.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by BadDecissions
Thanks for the games!
Do I want GOG to start selling iOS and Android games? As long as it doesn't affect their PC release schedule negatively, I don't care. Otherwise, no.

Edit: but I don't think it worked, I got no e-mail or anything yet, even though it said Thank You the second time I submitted.
Post edited September 10, 2012 by Al3xand3r
Forgot one of the most important points in my survey (in hope our beloved GOGlers read this):

- old games that work on modern Operating Systems !
I forgot to add comment on the add comment part of the survey, I missed it for some reason lol.

Here is my comment.

BRING MORE OLD SIMULATION TITLES. The late 80's and most of 90's had a plethora of mostly flight sims. Please bring them here!

Also, don't fuck this up with adding android ios facebook java tabletop games please.
Multiplatform would be nice to have. As long as I don't have to pay full price for each version.
Done :3
Already have Realms of Arkania 1+2, but filled out the survey anyhow. I really, really want more of the older games !! Please.
OgNimaeb: *done* That was fun :)

I hope you can see the relationship between the option "I don't play newer games" (in the "why don't you buy premium games?" section) with "my computer is 7+ years old" bit further down...

Though that didn't keep me from buying Legend Of Grimrock. I'll just look longingly at it until I can afford a new PC...
I'm in much the same boat. I tend to stick to the older games, mostly for the nostalgia, but also because I can't afford a more modern piece of hardware. Still, it hasn't detracted me from wishlisting several games.

First game bought on Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition... 2 years and 1 week ago...

I plan on continuing my support of GOG for years to come. Much better user-friendly format than Steam. Better prices, better deals, and more extras!
I forgot this, but I'd like to add that it'd be nice if you could get some demos, even for older games.
GOGs been through big change since i joined last year.
GOG rocked it then, GOG rocks it even more now. 'Nuff said ;)
Is there any possibility to introduce an achievement system like on Steam? That would be really great. Not for the old classic games, but for the newer games like Legend Of Grimrock and so on...
Thank you for the chance to voice my opinion and thank you for the free game! That one was on my wishlist, so I can cross one more game off my list. Not that I will have time to play it with all of the recent purchases I have made thanks to several of the recent promos... : )