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tinyE: Far out, I always thought Neo was Latin for "I can't believe you actually watched this piece of shit."

I kid! It's a wonderful movie and a great trilogy. *cough*
Randalator: Trilogy? What trilogy? There were never any Matrix sequels. The thought alone is ridiculous.
I remember reading in Entertainment Weekly. "The second Matrix movie has been banned in Brazil because it shows computers taking over the world, and because it sucks." That made me laugh.
deryni: Ah. Yeah, before my time as well. Thanks.
Starmaker: You (everyone, really) should watch this movie.
Was already on my list of things to watch.
How about the well known CD/DVD-ROM burning software, "Nero Burning ROM"?

You know, as in "Nero burning the Rome"?
Post edited December 24, 2013 by timppu
timppu: How about the well known CD/DVD-ROM burning software, "Nero Burning ROM"?

You know, as in "Nero burning the Rome"?
Hah, that's hilarious. I did not notice that, no.
Elmofongo: Even V for Vendetta?
Strijkbout: Especially P For Pretentious. =P
O.K., you two guys and anyone that hasn't yet, for the love of Alan Moore and everything bearded and crazy awesome, go READ V for Vendetta this very minute. The movie is arguably the absolute WORST movie adaptation ever. If you've only seen the movie, go read the comic. If you've only read the comic, DON'T watch the movie. No wonder it looks pretentious, it's stripped of everything significant and turned into a stupid bullet-time-fest that would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. You wanna know just how bad it is? It's SO bad, when I went to see the pre-opening screening (I won tickets, meaning I thankfully didn't have to pay any money for that shit), I stood up in rage and gave the screen the finger. True story.

tinyE: "Yeah, I really like Orlando Bloom's braids."
Vitek: I saw last Hobbit movie few hours ago and I think they are one of better parts of the movie. :-p
ZING! :-) Yeah, I decided to disregard the existence of The Hobbit's movie adaptation after I learnt they were going to make three movies of it. If I were interested in filler and fanfic, I wouldn't need to wait for Peter Jackson to make it, there's plenty of it on the interwebs.

Also, nobody should ever link anybody to TVTropes without first having them sign a disclaimer in case they get hopelessly addicted to it (been clean for some months, myself).

Also, nope, I think I didn't get any of the wordplay mentioned in this thread before I read it here. Except for the "tac" one, that is XD.
Shaolin_sKunk: The Matrix came out in 1999 yet it is only now, fourteen years later, that I realized that the main character's name "Neo" is an anagram of "one" as in "the one".

Of course I feel foolish having only now seen that little tidbit but has anyone else only realized some seemingly obvious deeper meaning in a story after several viewings?
IndicaHybrid: Did you know that the Pokemon Ekans is snake spelled backwards?
And that Arbok backwards is Kobra (Cobra)? xD
We call 'Where's Waldo' 'Where's Wally' in this country but, for some reason the evil nega-Wally is still called 'Odlaw' as in 'Waldo' Backwards - what is it that that is all about? (other than Yllaw being unpronounceable)
pi4t: Yep. All the time. Especially with Terry Pratchett's books, it's part of why I like them.

I took ages before figuring out the significance of the title of 'The Fifth Elephant', either the pun (on the fifth element) or the actual reason for it being called that. I also can't tell you how many times I read 'The witches flew along a maze of twisty little canyons, all alike" on page 48 of Witches Abroard before realising why it seemed familiar. In my defence I'm not old enough to have played the game it's referencing, but I'm sure there are many other things which I've still not spotted.
That's also one of the (many) reasons Sir Terry Pratchett is my favourite author. :) I keep finding references and deeper meanings that I had missed the first time around. And I love how you can read his novels on many different levels and at different ages. I've been an avid reader of his work since I was twelve.
I also love the fact that he's a gamer. :) It's just something that you don't expect from someone who's "guilty" of literature and has actually been knighted, and I find it awesome. ^^
Randalator: Trilogy? What trilogy? There were never any Matrix sequels. The thought alone is ridiculous.
I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to The Matrix. It's a pity they never made any.
Post edited December 24, 2013 by Barefoot_Monkey
Strijkbout: Especially P For Pretentious. =P
Chandoraa: O.K., you two guys and anyone that hasn't yet, for the love of Alan Moore and everything bearded and crazy awesome, go READ V for Vendetta this very minute. The movie is arguably the absolute WORST movie adaptation ever. If you've only seen the movie, go read the comic. If you've only read the comic, DON'T watch the movie. No wonder it looks pretentious, it's stripped of everything significant and turned into a stupid bullet-time-fest that would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. You wanna know just how bad it is? It's SO bad, when I went to see the pre-opening screening (I won tickets, meaning I thankfully didn't have to pay any money for that shit), I stood up in rage and gave the screen the finger. True story.

Vitek: I saw last Hobbit movie few hours ago and I think they are one of better parts of the movie. :-p
Chandoraa: ZING! :-) Yeah, I decided to disregard the existence of The Hobbit's movie adaptation after I learnt they were going to make three movies of it. If I were interested in filler and fanfic, I wouldn't need to wait for Peter Jackson to make it, there's plenty of it on the interwebs.

Also, nobody should ever link anybody to TVTropes without first having them sign a disclaimer in case they get hopelessly addicted to it (been clean for some months, myself).

Also, nope, I think I didn't get any of the wordplay mentioned in this thread before I read it here. Except for the "tac" one, that is XD.
Sorry for quoting everything but I'm on a pad and Christmas drunk so... I fully agree on Chandoraa's take on V For Vendetta. It's the worst example of a movie twisting like almost every message the original had. It's a good movie on its own but it ain't nothing compared to the book.
pi4t: Yep. All the time. Especially with Terry Pratchett's books, it's part of why I like them.

I took ages before figuring out the significance of the title of 'The Fifth Elephant', either the pun (on the fifth element) or the actual reason for it being called that. I also can't tell you how many times I read 'The witches flew along a maze of twisty little canyons, all alike" on page 48 of Witches Abroard before realising why it seemed familiar. In my defence I'm not old enough to have played the game it's referencing, but I'm sure there are many other things which I've still not spotted.
Pica-Ludica: That's also one of the (many) reasons Sir Terry Pratchett is my favourite author. :) I keep finding references and deeper meanings that I had missed the first time around. And I love how you can read his novels on many different levels and at different ages. I've been an avid reader of his work since I was twelve.
I also love the fact that he's a gamer. :) It's just something that you don't expect from someone who's "guilty" of literature and has actually been knighted, and I find it awesome. ^^
I agree with everything you said there, including the 'favourite author' part.