JudasIscariot: I find it funny that I could possibly be a rape supporter just by being male, never mind that I have never raped anyone. This shit is worse than the biblical Original Sin.
hedwards: I thought that you've been to the US. Trust me, sex crimes against men are not considered to be particularly serious here. The attitude around here has started to change and we have started to prosecute more and more women for engaging in sex with boys, but it's going to be a long time before men can be considered as valued in society as women are.
Given the epidemic of sex organ mutilation in American society, it's going to take a long time.
Personally, I don't consider that witch to be a feminist. As far as I know feminism mostly died out in the late 70s most "feminists" you run into today don't actually know the history of the movement. Feminism was about equality, even if it meant helping men out in some areas. The current generation is spoiled, egotistical and self entitled. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I rarely if ever meet any that aren't just using it as a cover for misandry.
If women would adhere to the notion of equality more regularly I'm sure that attitudes would change, but precisely why should I ever worry about the well being of some snot nosed brats?
RangerSolo: Going to have to really read into this. But it does sound like a one sided argument.
hedwards: Calling it an argument is being overly generous. This is the same sexist tripe that has led men in America to be treated as second class citizens. If we're lucky, good luck if you're not Christian, straight or white.
Guess that's why I feel so safe here in Japan.