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Totally in for Guardians of Middle Earth! I like to build a nice well-armoured tank type and send the barbarians back with their tails between their legs. As for GME, well it is simple: Middle Earth rules! And now I hope to do both in one! :-)

I'm also in for Theme Hospital — I spent quite a few years (cough) in a medical school working towards a engineering PhD, but never got into any of the wet stuff. It would be a great change to get the opportunity to playing about a bit on the other side! :-)

Thanks for the opportunity guys!
Post edited December 08, 2013 by mrbax
mrbax: Totally in for Guardians of Middle Earth! I like to build a nice well-armoured tank type and send the barbarians back with their tails between their legs. As for GME, well it is simple: Middle Earth rules! And now I hope to do both in one! :-)

I'm also in for Theme Hospital — I spent quite a few years (cough) in a medical school working towards a engineering PhD, but never got into any of the wet stuff. It would be a great change to get the opportunity to playing about a bit on the other side! :-)

Thanks for the opportunity guys!
You might have a chance but you need to respond to the original post. :P

Good luck :D
mrbax: Totally in for Guardians of Middle Earth! I like to build a nice well-armoured tank type and send the barbarians back with their tails between their legs. As for GME, well it is simple: Middle Earth rules! And now I hope to do both in one! :-)
That's well and good, but it still sounds to me like you have no clue what you're talking about. For DOTA and Middle Earth :P

DOTA, and everything like it, is a team game. People take certain roles: support, mid, off-lane, carry, jungler, initiator, control... yeah, it's not trivial, and tanking is a secondary consideration, at best. All I'm trying to do here is make sure, when you get to play this, you have at least some idea of what you're doing. So, if you really want the game, do some research, and come up with a marginally relevant answer ;)
Thistler: You might have a chance but you need to respond to the original post. :P
He did, actually ;) At least to me.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Spinorial
mrbax: Totally in for Guardians of Middle Earth! I like to build a nice well-armoured tank type and send the barbarians back with their tails between their legs. As for GME, well it is simple: Middle Earth rules! And now I hope to do both in one! :-)
Spinorial: That's well and good, but it still sounds to me like you have no clue what you're talking about. For DOTA and Middle Earth :P

DOTA, and everything like it, is a team game. People take certain roles: support, mid, off-lane, carry, jungler, initiator, control... yeah, it's not trivial, and tanking is a secondary consideration, at best. All I'm trying to do here is make sure, when you get to play this, you have at least some idea of what you're doing. So, if you really want the game, do some research, and come up with a marginally relevant answer ;)
Thistler: You might have a chance but you need to respond to the original post. :P
Spinorial: He did, actually ;) At least to me.
Ahh glad to see he did. Didn't want him to miss out on entering :p
spoderman: I'm adding a Grid 2 Steam key to the giveaway.

Convince me!
Braussie: I would like to have Grid 2 to give to my 9 year old step son. The first game he and I played together (before I married his mother, and he was 7) was Grid 1, and he was addicted to it for a long time. He was always asking for me to hook my computer up to the TV so he could play it. For Christmas, I am giving him a steam account with a couple games he would enjoy. It would be great to get him a variety. Right now, I have Magicka +DLC to put on there for him, which is a game his mother, him, and I played a lot of local coop. We will all be able to play online together after Christmas, I know he would be super thrilled to also have Grid 2. If I were to have Grid 2, there's only one more game left to get him that I think would be "the most epic awesome video game Christmas" (as he would say) ever for him.

I know I was fortunate to win another giveaway for a game that was offered (Another World), so I understand if I would not be considered. I did, however, play Another World (as you can see on my steam account) and played it until I beat it :) Either way, I appreciate you giving back to the community! Good luck to all other entrants!
You win Grid 2. You had the most convincing reason for wanting it. To be fair, I'll choose a different winner for my next giveaway in this thread.
spoderman: You win Grid 2. You had the most convincing reason for wanting it. To be fair, I'll choose a different winner for my next giveaway in this thread.
Thank you very very much! I was setting up everything for his account today and he is gonna be super happy! And to be fair, I'm not entering any more giveaways for a while, unless it's for starbound or terraria, as I plan to get him one or both of those for Christmas to complete the package for him. I wish many blessings to you and your loved ones!
spoderman: You win Grid 2. You had the most convincing reason for wanting it. To be fair, I'll choose a different winner for my next giveaway in this thread.
Braussie: Thank you very very much! I was setting up everything for his account today and he is gonna be super happy! And to be fair, I'm not entering any more giveaways for a while, unless it's for starbound or terraria, as I plan to get him one or both of those for Christmas to complete the package for him. I wish many blessings to you and your loved ones!
Congratulations! :)
spoderman: You win Grid 2. You had the most convincing reason for wanting it. To be fair, I'll choose a different winner for my next giveaway in this thread.
Braussie: Thank you very very much! I was setting up everything for his account today and he is gonna be super happy! And to be fair, I'm not entering any more giveaways for a while, unless it's for starbound or terraria, as I plan to get him one or both of those for Christmas to complete the package for him. I wish many blessings to you and your loved ones!
That's as good an entry as I've read in this thread! Congratulations, and have a lovely Christmas with your family! :-)

To spoderman, many thanks for the awesome gift! Nothing evokes the Yule spirit like piles of wrecked virtual cars XD
Spinorial: Nothing evokes the Yule spirit like piles of wrecked virtual cars XD
What about a virtual breathalisation after wrecking said virtual cars?
Spinorial: Nothing evokes the Yule spirit like piles of wrecked virtual cars XD
Sachys: What about a virtual breathalisation after wrecking said virtual cars?
More of a New Year's thing ;)
Sachys: What about a virtual breathalisation after wrecking said virtual cars?
Spinorial: More of a New Year's thing ;)
You only virtual drink and drive at new year?
Virtual crack for christmas then? O_o/
Ok, I have decided. The winner of Theme Hospital will be Lugum! Yay! I can't honestly recommendd anybody to go to a hospital for real, as a patient it's never been fun for me and as a worker there's just too much studying involved. So Lugum, just take the game and don't come close to that horrible place!
P1na: Ok, I have decided. The winner of Theme Hospital will be Lugum! Yay! I can't honestly recommendd anybody to go to a hospital for real, as a patient it's never been fun for me and as a worker there's just too much studying involved. So Lugum, just take the game and don't come close to that horrible place!
Actually i had a hospital phobia (part of more) and barely visit one for like 15 years, until i had some health issues i had to visit the hospital like every 3 months or so. Cured my phobia. But yeah it still isn't something you visit for fun.
Theme Hospital however seems a hospital that will be fun to keep visiting many times.
Thanks alot P1na!
Oh, and BTW, I'll take away my "special offer" too. Which was of course Deus Ex. I'll just start preparing my spread the love [i++]
So uh.. I'll add a Half-Life 2 Steam gift to the giveaway. I'm sure most of you have played it by now so I don't expect many entries.

Minimum of 50 rep required.