Posted December 14, 2013

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I already told you about my history of Steam abstention, etc. which is, more or less, the only reason I've not gotten the game yet. That I will have to play it sometime soon, there is no real question. Half-Life, the original, is one of my favourite games. Unlike others in the category, which usually have some quirk that strongly appeals to me but are not considered anything special by players and critics, in general, HL is there purely for its greatness. It's a great game! The pacing, the atmosphere, the story, the design - they all add up to something truly special and magnificent. Recently, when someone made a giveaway (for Thief, I believe), asking what people's favourite level ever is, I spent a lot of time thinking, and thinking, and I couldn't come up with a better answer than "Surface Tension". I tried - it somehow didn't seem right to pick HL, when there were the Jedi Knights, and Age of Kings, and so many unforgettable maps for StarCraft, Quake, etc. But I just couldn't. "Surface Tension" seems to be a damn-near perfect level! And HL is one damn-near perfect game :-)
What's all this to do with the sequel, then? Well, apparently it's a good game. Who'da thunk it?! I've played the demo, read the reviews, seen some further gameplay, still haven't spoiled myself (most surprising). It doesn't seem to be quite as good a game as its predecessor, for all the critical hullabaloo around it, but it still seems like a damn good game - not quite a modern cover shooter, not quite an old maze-and-monsters one. I'm pretty sure the gameplay won't surprise me with anything (then again, my experience with the gravity gun is rather limited), but maybe the story will. I'm not particularly fond of the new setting and apparent atmosphere, but I'm still hopeful that, if I were to play the game through to the end, it might acquire it's own unique feel, something to let it stand on its own, independent of the first game. I've not heard bad things about any of these things - story, atmosphere, pacing - so I'm optimistic, especially considering how the original HL is self-contained and it's nigh impossible to retcon and ruin it. On the other hand, if it's anything like StarCraft 2 or The Old Republic, please keep it and never EVER allow me to play it!
So, in a very brief and truncated nutshell, this is why I'd like to play Half-Life 2. If you feel like it's enough to justify putting a gravity gun in my inept appendages, all the better. If not, I'm sure you'll have all the right reasons.