skeletonbow: I have not done much gaming standing here but I have done some. It encourages me to take more frequent breaks and pause a game and move around the house a bit rather than to end up on an 8 hour marathon forgetting to eat/move. :)
While you eating and moving - graugr is leveling up!
I have a friend who utilized some inclined (heavily inclined I might add) "seat", so he got himself nice reclining position. #playslikeaman
Yes, he is F1 fan, how did you know? ;)
skeletonbow: Haha, raise the chair too... LOL Yeah I started with a normal office chair like anyone uses, but due to some problems I had in my legs that became uncomfortable for a while so I ended up dragging the love seat in front of the computer and discovered that a love seat is like a super mega deluxe computer chair nobody ever thought of... until now! It became my comfy zone. :)
Well, I don't have a love seat, but I use nice big soft chair (okay, it's kinda "forever alone love seat":)). Problem is, due furniture construction I can only jump in from the top, reminds of me of top hatch on military vehicles. :D Too bad that this chair of mine is too heavy to put something underneath and raise it.
skeletonbow: Probably will be toggling the love seat into position in the short term but I'm thinking of buying a bucket seat from a car and making a nice gaming seat out of it for racing/flight which would be rather nice. :)
You'll never walk alone indeed - my idiot's dream is to find somewhere Isri seat similar to those truck manufacturers use. :D
And I tried ejection seat, Isri is more comfortable. :)
skeletonbow: Yeah, them dang emotions always gettin in the way... :) But... isn't that what Postal 2 is for, to get all that out? :oP
No idea about Postal 2. Portal 2 is surely about love. Love to spaaaaace. Ahem.
I think it's fairly normal to have some sort of attachment to things we have and use. I mean, listen to what enduro public discuss, their wars about yamaha vs honda vs suzuki vs kawasaki vs ktm vs husqvarna vs anyone else there. Back when I was playing hockey I remember arguments about our gear - bauer vs ccm vs vaughn - you name it.
And there is sunk cost fallacy, when people can't admit they paid 240 USD for garbage game, so they say it was awesome until the ending. /pokerface