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My hometown Rams just drafted the first openly gay NFL player. Having lived in St. Louis for 30 years my heart goes out to him. He'd have been way better off in Seattle or New York; St. Louis is stuck in 1950.
Elmofongo: Its obvious the whole reason nintendo did not include LGBT because they do not want to get flak from the Parent groups,Right Wing Politics, and Christian nuts that fears their children will be perverted by "Sodomites"

Its either flak from the Gay Community or flak from the 3 groups. Basically Nintendo is screwed either way :P
DubConqueror: Sad thing is, it would even make their game illegal in Russia, with the law against 'homo propaganda'. It' s a sad world we' re living in.
Maybe Nintendo could have seen it as some kind of censorship and sell a brave version but also secretly develop a hack that modifies their game and frees the characters to do what they want in the marital department. But that of course would require guts and I'm not sure they have them.
Klumpen0815: That's due to the fact, that current western culture still sees women as "the beautiful/sexy gender", that's why today way more women than men are bisexual or homosexual, just like in the upper class of ancient greece only with the genders exchanged. As I've said: It's a cultural (and not genetical) thing. Vampire: Bloodlines is something from our times, so you shouldn't wonder.
Telika: Uh, I don't really think there are more homosexual women.

It's just that their statuses are different, and homophobia towards males and females express themselves very differently. Their public reprentations, mainly in the medias, are different. Lesbians are "accepted" as far as they stay a commodity for males (threesomes, etc), that is : not lesbian. While a male homosexual couple will be refused existence directly ("how dare you hold hands in a public space, and impose us your sight"), female homosexual couples will be merely refused their exclusivity. In practice, they will be treated as sluts, as easy women, open for male flirting, and, generally speaking, as "not in a couple" (while a male/female couple will be treated as "closed"). And they will be displayed in fictions as fuel for male fantasies. They only get the same hostility and "invisibility treatment" as male homosexuals only when they are to openly, blantantly, and unambiguously "not for males".

Basically, females have more work to do in order to prove that they are not the assumed "bisexuals only waiting for your mighty manhood", and their rights to be simple homosexuals is denied just as strongly -if not even more- than male's once they have established that they are simply not available to men.

I think that, while there are roughly as many males and females homosexuals, you will "see" more lesbians in fictions, and less "in the real world", because of this specific kind of image and conditional visibility they have.
I'll agree to this for the most part; lesbians have always been more 'acceptable' than male gay relationships because they are unfairly used as fantasy fuel and their relationships aren't taken seriously by some morons. In the late 1800's the term was 'special friendship' or a 'Boston marriage'. I mean, they can and do get the same harrassment as males at times - I've heard of lesbians being gay bashed - but I feel for them because whilst being gay men is shunned with homophobes, some particular male inbreds are perfectly fine with lesbains because they think they can 'get in' on that. Hence this leads to objectification, and thus more media portrayl; gay men in media are the floppy handed effeminate hairdressers, whilst women are the constantly sexual scantily clad BDSM whip wielding domanaitixes secretly longing for a man. I think the last lesbian couple in games done right without making them look like strippers teasing a male protagonist was in Dreamfall, actually; the landlady and her gf. And that's really a shame, because that game is over a decade old.
Post edited May 12, 2014 by Glasswolf
If Nintendo would produce a game for the Eurovision song contest you probably could not create a character with long hair, dancing dress and full beard.
Trilarion: If Nintendo would produce a game for the Eurovision song contest you probably could not create a character with long hair, dancing dress and full beard.
Wasn't there a bearded lady in some Nintendo game?
One of the Zeldas for the DS or something like that?
Maybe I am mistaken.

Anyway, I really don't think that many people dislike this kind of trannies, they are just no good for simple design reasons if something is supposed to be taken seriously by the crowd, the weirdness factor is just too strong, but that's the reason why he/she/it won in the first case, definitely not because of the art.
Post edited May 12, 2014 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: Wasn't there a bearded lady in some Nintendo game?
One of the Zeldas for the DS or something like that?
Maybe I am mistaken.

Anyway, I really don't think that many people dislike this kind of trannies, they are just no good for simple design reasons if something is supposed to be taken seriously by the crowd, the weirdness factor is just too strong, but that's the reason why he/she/it won in the first case, definitely not because of the art.
You mean this dude? Cause he's a dude.
Jim on this:
Right as usual - thank God for him and all that!
I don't care who sleeps with who or What! some people do Bestiality FFS IDC I'm very free that way but I'm still straight I have a cousin who is gay he's a total Bitch at times but yeah IDC and I don't believe in this Pushing an agenda bullshit He doesn't force his sexuality down my neck and I don't force mine down his neck! He told me he went ONCE to the Gay And Lesbian Mardi Gras and HE HATED IT! one time he caught me in the bathroom in the nick when he was living with us and he giggling and squealing and clapping while looking at my dick! I said Damn it dude I'm straight he went all girly on me! I didn't let it affect me, Also doesn't mean I don't like other things that way.
mystikmind2000: These days the gay community has moved on from defending their rights to force feeding their ways and beliefs on others. Saying that a same sex relationship should be included in the game is a classic example of this. I say they should be free to put only heterosexual, both or even only homosexual if they wanted too!
Alfie3000: The gay community fights to have the same rights as everyone else. Its not "force feeding 'their ways'". Someone in this "life simulation" has programmed in marriage for only the opposite genders. That's the problem. If people think only opposite genders have relationships then they need to jump on their Penny-farthing and cycle back to the 19th century.
I believe gay rights is about the removal of barriers not the creation of gay infrastructure at every level including games!

In case you did not know, real discrimination would be if the game developers said "gay people cannot play this game". But that is not the case, and the truth is, many people would have different beliefs about relationships than what is provided in the game, they cannot be expected to make accommodations for them all.
mystikmind2000: ...In case you did not know, real discrimination would be if the game developers said "gay people cannot play this game". But that is not the case, and the truth is, many people would have different beliefs about relationships than what is provided in the game, they cannot be expected to make accommodations for them all.
I would say that this is kind of indirect discrimination. They clearly take a certain world view there in this game (marriage = men + women) and this is kind of so unnecessary. It's so easy to remove that restriction programmatically and let the users decide what a marriage is. That way you could make accomodations for as many as possible. What is the advantage in artificially limiting the choice. I can't think of any good reason.

Of course it's their business decision but the public backlash they have earned themselves.
mystikmind2000: ...In case you did not know, real discrimination would be if the game developers said "gay people cannot play this game". But that is not the case, and the truth is, many people would have different beliefs about relationships than what is provided in the game, they cannot be expected to make accommodations for them all.
Trilarion: I would say that this is kind of indirect discrimination. They clearly take a certain world view there in this game (marriage = men + women) and this is kind of so unnecessary. It's so easy to remove that restriction programmatically and let the users decide what a marriage is. That way you could make accomodations for as many as possible. What is the advantage in artificially limiting the choice. I can't think of any good reason.

Of course it's their business decision but the public backlash they have earned themselves.
I would agree that if they actually went out of their way to restrict the game based on sexuality then that is 'creating' a barrier, and the last thing we need is more new barriers to be created!