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MasterFoobar: Firing someone when it's discovered they're in a same sex relationship?
monkeydelarge: I don't mean that. I mean, making it so it's nobody's business what people do during their free time and making it so people don't have to deal with what other people do during their free time. This offers everyone, a life of peace(for religious people and for gay people) even though it might not be a perfect solution for everyone. This is the only solution that my mind can come up that doesn't involve two groups of people battling each other to the death until there is only one side left standing.
But people are free to talk about their personal lives in the military. If you want to tell everyone you're a Muslim or Christian, if you're married to someone of the opposite sex or single. You are allowed to do that.
It has nothing to do with keeping peoples personal lives out of it, if it did then all those things I listed before would also be banned. Either you're delusional or lying so to hide that you're a bigot.
monkeydelarge: I don't mean that. I mean, making it so it's nobody's business what people do during their free time and making it so people don't have to deal with what other people do during their free time. This offers everyone, a life of peace(for religious people and for gay people) even though it might not be a perfect solution for everyone. This is the only solution that my mind can come up that doesn't involve two groups of people battling each other to the death until there is only one side left standing.
Toast_burner: But people are free to talk about their personal lives in the military. If you want to tell everyone you're a Muslim or Christian, if you're married to someone of the opposite sex or single. You are allowed to do that.
It has nothing to do with keeping peoples personal lives out of it, if it did then all those things I listed before would also be banned. Either you're delusional or lying so to hide that you're a bigot.
A) Everyone is a bigot. You are a bigot too.
The only people I know who aren't bigots are retards.
B) I'm going to assume 90% of your post is trying to tell me, don't ask don't tell is useless. It isn't useless because with don't ask don't tell nobody is forced to reveal their personal gay lives. So it does help people keep their personal gay lives to themselves. Then they can be treated just like everyone else. Obviously, it doesn't work 100% because people have free will and in the end, they do whatever stupid shit they want to do. But it's better than nothing. OR are you trying to tell me Obama got rid of don't ask don't tell in 2011? I just found out. Yes, today people are allowed to be openly gay in the U.S. military but I don't think that was a good move. That move was like a giant "fuck you" to all religious people.
C) I'm not delusional, I'm not lying and I am a bigot just like everyone else but I'm not against gay people. I'm sure those words wont stop you from continuing to be paranoid though.

Toast_burner: Very shameful. They claim that they didn't include it because they didn't want to make social commentary, but by actively deciding to not include it, that's what they done.
Allowing players to choose to have same sex relations in games is not any more a social commentary than allowing straight relations in games.
Yes, not doing something that will make them lose a lot of customers and ruin their reputation...very shameful... <- sarcasm...
Post edited May 09, 2014 by monkeydelarge
Am I the only one who is starting to become quite fond of Starmaker's pet nicknames for us? :P
Sounds like it was an attempt to be diplomatic that failed. Never mind. They'll know better for next time.

Let's face it, it's not like Nintendo are the bastion of rugged male heterosexuality...
tingle.png (296 Kb)
Crispy78: Sounds like it was an attempt to be diplomatic that failed. Never mind. They'll know better for next time.

Let's face it, it's not like Nintendo are the bastion of rugged male heterosexuality...
But they have no interest in being the bastion of rugged male heterosexuality... They just want to make as much money as possible just like all other corporations.
Post edited May 09, 2014 by monkeydelarge
jepsen1977: I'm gonna use my freedom to grab some hot coffee but a good day to you good sir.
To you too, and I'm off to get my morning coffee as well. Nice to reach an accord. :)
Crispy78: Sounds like it was an attempt to be diplomatic that failed. Never mind. They'll know better for next time.

Let's face it, it's not like Nintendo are the bastion of rugged male heterosexuality...
"Honey, is that a gay man on the Johnsons' roof?" -MST3K
Lol @ 8 pages about this. It is a game, nothing more. The person/group that made this decided to have straight couples only. Don't like it, don't buy it. I am not against gays at all, but they have no right to force something into a game or other aspect of media. Hell, after they are done complaining the transgender individuals will complain too for not being in it. At the end of the day: Those that disagree should contribute something new (ie create their own game) and stop complaining.
I don't have anything against gays but it is not so good to play gay couples in sim games. They can't get children (the natural way). So when they get old and die it's game over.
Silverhawk170485: I don't have anything against gays but it is not so good to play gay couples in sim games. They can't get children (the natural way). So when they get old and die it's game over.
Is there even aging and death in this game? I thought the game just uses the users' Miis as ingame characters and you just control the same immortal character all the time.
Silverhawk170485: I don't have anything against gays but it is not so good to play gay couples in sim games. They can't get children (the natural way). So when they get old and die it's game over.
^This is one bit of complexity involved in homosexual relationships. Out of all of my gay friends and family, none of them have typical heterosexual relationships, just with a gender changed. Ls Gs Bs and Ts, although we clump them into a LGBT tag, often live in vastly different cultures from each other and from heterosexuals.

Considering Nintendo's likely target audience (they tend to go more for family-friendly fun -- and most families are husband, wife and kids), they may have intended to go the conservative route. But they may have wanted to leave the multitude of homosexual lifestyles out of the game. (they have also likely excluded several heterosexual lifestyles) I haven't played the game, but I'd imagine they're going for the classic, typical nuclear family.

There is a component of commentary from those who complain, defend and the substance of the game itself. But I think it's silly to simply this into a simple black and white view: they're haters, they're conservatives, they're ignorant. All may be true, but I'd imagine that a lot of things were considered before making a decision to exclude homosexual relationships besides how much they hated a people group. And I'd imagine it had more to do with expense (programming, animations) and expected revenue (what $ is lost or gained with homosexual relationships included or excluded). And I'd imagine revenue would be small from the gay community if they did a simple gender swap and didn't make anything feel authentic. Heck, it may have been more insulting than doing it right. And doing it right might make the game not family-friendly (basing the identity of a group based off of their sexual desires is often going to make for a non-family-friendly game -- example: I let my kids play Putt-Putt. He's not gay. Or straight. He's a car. But they can identify with a mom and a dad outside of their mom and dad's sexual relationship. It's recognizable to them b/c it's what they're used to. It's a relationship that can exist outside of sexual identity b/c there is also a familial identity that most children can recognize.)

If the gay community wants a gay life sim, by all means, go and build it. The LGBT community, who knows itself better than anyone else, could build something that best represents how they see themselves. They could include the persecution, the outlying cultures and the uniqueness of the groups.
Tallima: If the gay community wants a gay life sim, by all means, go and build it. The LGBT community, who knows itself better than anyone else, could build something that best represents how they see themselves. They could include the persecution, the outlying cultures and the uniqueness of the groups.
It's a wonder that hadn't been done yet IMHO, it would be an interesting way to raise awareness.
Tallima: ...If the gay community wants a gay life sim, by all means, go and build it. ...
Gay life is not so much different from non-gay life. Just omit the check that marriage is men + women in the mentioned game and you have a gay life sim. No need to build a new game especially for gay needs, just relax the existing games a tiny bit by not making the exact version of the sex so important. I think this is what LBGT is all about.
Silverhawk170485: I don't have anything against gays but it is not so good to play gay couples in sim games. They can't get children (the natural way). So when they get old and die it's game over.
F4LL0UT: Is there even aging and death in this game? I thought the game just uses the users' Miis as ingame characters and you just control the same immortal character all the time.
I know that in Sims is aging and death. You can even kill your sims. I only played part 1 so I can't say if this is also possible in the other parts. For example you can build a pool, let your Sims jump in the pool and remove the ladder. When there is no ladder they can't climb out of the pool. When they get tired and can't get out of the pool they drown. So you can play Jigsaw: Let's play a game. :evil laughing:
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Silverhawk170485
F4LL0UT: Is there even aging and death in this game? I thought the game just uses the users' Miis as ingame characters and you just control the same immortal character all the time.
Silverhawk170485: I know that in Sims is aging and death. You can even kill your sims. I only played part 1 so I can't say if this is also possible in the other parts. For example you can build a pool, let your Sims jump in the pool and remove the ladder. When there is no ladder they can't climb out of the pool. When they get tired and can't get out of the pool they drown. So you can play Jigsaw: Let's play a game. :evil laughing:
I once got mine electrocuted while working out. Son of a bitch became a ghost and I couldn't get anyone else to stay at the house.