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I mentioned multiplayer because some people like it, though in truth, I prefer single player (offline) in my space games. Still, I wish these 4 developers all the success they can find.
I'm not sure if any games have started to use it yet but a galaxy-esque structure where people can host a server that can connect to other servers as well to form a super-structure of a huge multi-server scenario is kind of cool. I'm sure the tech is ready but the game mechanics need to support the idea that people jump in and out of the game in any of the servers, this seems like a game that could take advantage of such a system, even to great effect. The largest issue as I see it would be cost-effective anti-cheat methods but if every admin of each server keeps their own server rules and enforce them with whatever way they deem it necessary it might work out in the end.
A bit of a setback for Hello Games, the makers of No Man's Sky.

Their offices were flooded on Christmas Eve, and it looks like that the small print of the insurance states that they are not covered.