Paradoks: After having played Kingdom Under Fire (the first PC one) translated by CDP I have to disagree about them being way better (or even slightly better) than Cenega. They also make many embarrassing mistakes even in high profile releases. Like for example in Diablo 2 there is a sentence that two characters "have been at odds" which has been translated as "they have been acting strange". Or in Dawn of War "relic" has been translated as "relikt" instead of "relikwia".
Then to be precise, from my personal experience, CDPs localizations are on a much higher level than Cenegas. I don't have a single game localized by Cenaga that doesn't hurt, while i do have BG lying around here somewhere. Here's a funny one from Cenega: "Zastrzelę Cię... W GŁOWĘ!" from Far Cry, while being literal, the pronounciation really takes the cake there. Not that it really matters much, they're still localizations.. Yuck.
Paradoks: That's one advantage that Steam bound games have - in most cases you can change the language to English. Since most boxed games today are bound to Steam I would say that the situation when it comes to playing in English is actually much better than it was some 10 years ago.
Ah, i forgot about those, as i don't 'buy' anything that requires Steam, unless heavily discounted. So yes, You're right, unless there's a weird clause on the game (like Magicka PL), the availability of the original versions is much higher than 10 years ago.
And as i posted this, my friend IM'd me
THIS , oh...