I have to plug two games here - for anyone who says that RTS is about building the biggest army, and the game devolves into a giant, strategy-less, all-out win or lose rush.
Sid Meier's Gettysburg!
Sid Meier's Antietam!
I actually think they are a decent trade-off between the genres. There is nothing turn-based about them, but they also lack what you see in most RTS games. There is no building. You can pause to plan your troop movements. You can try an all-out rush, but you will lose (see Pickett's Charge.)
To win, you have to position your troops as best you can, taking advantage of terrain, keeping some units in reserve, using artillery to suppress the enemy, and flanking at the right moment. You must pay attention to unit position and morale. A single veteran regiment, entrenched on high ground, whose commander is unwounded, and it's flanks are covered, can hold its position against five times its own strength.
These might be the most tactical RTS games I have ever played. Rock'em Sock'em Robots they definitely are not.
Unfortunately, they are not sold digitally, and buying a physical copy can get a bit expensive. We need
[url=http://www.gog.com/wishlist/games/sid_meiers_antietam]games on GOG!