Posted December 06, 2013
high rated
Inspired by the many excellent holiday giveaways going on, and urged on by the recent ShinyLoot sale, I decided to put together a special gifting effort. This is to acknowledge some of the many people who make this forum as great place.
I have purchased 50 games from ShinyLoot to give away, and meticulously (as well as painfully) culled a list of 50 GOG members to receive them. Being a programmer, I decided to create a web application to allow those recipients to choose their own gifts. And since each game can only be redeemed once, there's a bit of the Insominia sale aspect to get your freebie before someone else does (though hopefully no GOGbears will arise).
The invitations are going out now. I hope no one feels slighted in this process, as it was quite difficult to get the recipient list down to just 50 members. There are so many more members that I would have loved to include, but my original purchase amount placed a cap on that number. Please know that all of you matter to me, whether you get a link or not.
Those who are curious to see what the catalogue application looks like can view a non-redeeming version of it here:
Thanks to Sachys for testing it out for me in advance. He had great suggestions for improvements, and the application looks much better thanks to his feedback.
I hope this is a fun way for folks to get their stocking stuffers, and please feel free to respond here with any comments, concerns, or questions.
Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!
I have purchased 50 games from ShinyLoot to give away, and meticulously (as well as painfully) culled a list of 50 GOG members to receive them. Being a programmer, I decided to create a web application to allow those recipients to choose their own gifts. And since each game can only be redeemed once, there's a bit of the Insominia sale aspect to get your freebie before someone else does (though hopefully no GOGbears will arise).
The invitations are going out now. I hope no one feels slighted in this process, as it was quite difficult to get the recipient list down to just 50 members. There are so many more members that I would have loved to include, but my original purchase amount placed a cap on that number. Please know that all of you matter to me, whether you get a link or not.
Those who are curious to see what the catalogue application looks like can view a non-redeeming version of it here:
Thanks to Sachys for testing it out for me in advance. He had great suggestions for improvements, and the application looks much better thanks to his feedback.
I hope this is a fun way for folks to get their stocking stuffers, and please feel free to respond here with any comments, concerns, or questions.
Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!