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Inspired by the many excellent holiday giveaways going on, and urged on by the recent ShinyLoot sale, I decided to put together a special gifting effort. This is to acknowledge some of the many people who make this forum as great place.

I have purchased 50 games from ShinyLoot to give away, and meticulously (as well as painfully) culled a list of 50 GOG members to receive them. Being a programmer, I decided to create a web application to allow those recipients to choose their own gifts. And since each game can only be redeemed once, there's a bit of the Insominia sale aspect to get your freebie before someone else does (though hopefully no GOGbears will arise).

The invitations are going out now. I hope no one feels slighted in this process, as it was quite difficult to get the recipient list down to just 50 members. There are so many more members that I would have loved to include, but my original purchase amount placed a cap on that number. Please know that all of you matter to me, whether you get a link or not.

Those who are curious to see what the catalogue application looks like can view a non-redeeming version of it here:

Thanks to Sachys for testing it out for me in advance. He had great suggestions for improvements, and the application looks much better thanks to his feedback.

I hope this is a fun way for folks to get their stocking stuffers, and please feel free to respond here with any comments, concerns, or questions.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!
Dear Sinistar,

This. is. A M A Z I N G !

Picked up Oknytt, many thanks Santa-Sinistar and Happy Holidays and Coward Chasing! And immortal re-incarnation of course.
Fantastic idea and as I said in PM, really nice surprise.

Thank you very much Santastar for the gift. :)

Thank you, I really mean it.
Post edited December 06, 2013 by Leucius
Thamls Santastar!

HOHOHO merry christmas.
Thank you Santastar. I've redeemed Castle Dracula!
What an awesome thing to do. Thanks for your generosity, and for helping to make this my favorite corner of the internet! Much appreciated. :)
Wow, thank you very much, Santastar!!

Cool! I got the entire Lucas Arts catalogue! You all got that too right?
Thank you, Santastar. This is turning out to be the best holiday season I've had in a long time.
what a fantastic and magical idea!
loving the web app too!

Thankyou ever so much - i do not feel worthy of such a surprise!
... i just dont know what to say... words fail me!
I agree with the others. Way to go!
First of thank you!!! Sinistar Santa's are the best ;-p

Secondly, thank you for supporting ShinyLoot! Like GOG, they seem to be really nice peeps and I'd like to see their business thrive and survive!

Thirdly, Happy Holidays to you and yours - and to everyone else too ;-)
Far out, as soon as I redeemed my gift I lost a bunch of rep. XD I don't think one had anything to do with the other but it was kind of funny.