tinyE: Technically StarCraft 2 has an offline mode but there is no record keeping and you can only play as a "guest". While that is better than nothing I think I'll stick to SimCity 2k, Diablo 2, and StarCraft 1 for the time being.
Spinorial: The irony, of course, was that StarCraft 2 was the one modern game that still needed LAN support, and there Blizzard failed just as badly.
Now to find the official EA press release and see just how they've managed to give this a positive, EA-for-the-players spin XD
Starcraft II, just like Spore - I saw the demo videos, heard the E3 marketing banter and was excited for it to come out so I could get it... but... with the online-only DRM crap etc. I opted to wait and see instead, and they never changed anything so I never bought either. Ditto with Diablo III.
When Blizzard starts putting out DRM-free games again, I might buy them though. If not, that's ok too as there are thousands of games out there to keep me busy though.