Posted April 11, 2014
high rated
This is a rather subjective piece and contains possibly offensive opinions. If you disagree, just reply with an analysis why I am wrong.
1. DLC spam
DLC per se is not a bad thing. If you do it right, people can like it. What I talk about is the DLC spam that we saw on several modern titles like Civilization 5, Borderlands 2, etc.
There is the main game, and then there is a plethora of DLC, some of which is story DLC, some of which is not. My only advise for such games is to wait until all DLC is finally released and then buy it all together. How do you know all DLC is released? Well, either there is a Gold version, the next game in the series is out, or the developer is bankrupt.
Seen in: Many games
2. Pretending everyone is an idiot
If you want to make a tutorial, it is fine. But don't force us through the tutorial. If I have to play some new game and can't figure out the controls, let me see the controls at any time. If I don't understand the mechanics, let me do a tutorial or explain it with some ingame text. Do not force me through the tutorial, if I don't need it.
Seen in: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, probably many others
3. Fail-proof difficulty or too high difficulty
Let people suffer if they want to. Make a difficulty that is always fair but challenging. Don't make games too easy or too hard. It is annoying if you can essentially breeze through a game unless that game is of the kind to breeze through, but also annoying if the game leaves you no chance at all. Let us set the difficulty we want, please. If you want to finish your RPG in 20 hours, so be it, but let me fight against the ultra-hard enemies for 100 hours!
Seen in: Many titles, gladly avoided also by many. As an example, Last Dream lets you set the difficulty in several levels and the highest IS a challenge while all others are more suitable for gamers that want to progress without too much grind.
4. Multiple playthroughs enforced to unlock game options
Do you like it if you play through a game and only after you finished it, the highest difficulty is unlocked? No? I also don't! Let me choose the difficulty I want, etc.
If you want multiple playthroughs for achievements, that is a different thing but also not nice.
Seen in: Duke Nukem Forever (that fangame from Gearbox Software, not the "more real" DNF that was released as a Duke Nukem 3D mod), DeathSpank 3
5. Multiple playthroughs needed for 100 percent completion
I finished the story. Why do I need to finish it again? This applies not if the game is different, i.e. different character classes in Diablo 2 are a nice example of multiple playthroughs that are acceptable.
Seen in: Deus Ex 3, Dishonored, etc. (both examples debatable), but also many games still avoid it.
6. Missable collectibles or collectibles distracting from the gameplay
What is the reason why I need to find intel in FPS games? When the setting fits and nothing is missable, I am fine with collectibles - in Far Cry 3, GTA, etc. they enhance the fun - but there are genres where collectibles just don't fit. Also, it is NOT fun for me to have to use a guide all the time just to make sure I miss nothing, instead of being able to play.
Seen in: Spec Ops: The Line, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock Infinite, etc.
monkeydelarge: There is also
7. Shitty console ports that run like garbage when they shouldn't because the people behind these games decided not to put any effort into the PC versions. So instead they just make the game play through a shitty unoptimized emulator. GTA IV is a good example of this. When it came out, powerful PCs were barely able to run it at 30fps and the game would just overheat lesser machines until they exploded in people's faces(I'm exaggerating a bit here but not too much). :)
8. Early Access games being shoved in your face(if you use Steam).
9. Companies abandoning unfinished broken games to move on to greener basically a lot of people get stuck with a $50 alpha or beta version...
10. Games that favor [specific] hardware or super powerful PCs. Poor gamers get fucked.
[11. Bad indie titles]
12. Not being able to sell your used PC games. In the past, when I did a lot of gaming on consoles, I found it awesome to be able to sell a bunch of my games for easy cash quickly. and
monkeydelarge: 13. It's become trendy for companies to make games that are politically correct and appeal to everyone(men, women, children, old people etc) and I don't like this because I'm a fan of games with lots of violence, sex, realism and darkness. :) So these games aren't being made anymore. Where is the sequel to Vampire Bloodlines?
1. DLC spam
DLC per se is not a bad thing. If you do it right, people can like it. What I talk about is the DLC spam that we saw on several modern titles like Civilization 5, Borderlands 2, etc.
There is the main game, and then there is a plethora of DLC, some of which is story DLC, some of which is not. My only advise for such games is to wait until all DLC is finally released and then buy it all together. How do you know all DLC is released? Well, either there is a Gold version, the next game in the series is out, or the developer is bankrupt.
Seen in: Many games
2. Pretending everyone is an idiot
If you want to make a tutorial, it is fine. But don't force us through the tutorial. If I have to play some new game and can't figure out the controls, let me see the controls at any time. If I don't understand the mechanics, let me do a tutorial or explain it with some ingame text. Do not force me through the tutorial, if I don't need it.
Seen in: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, probably many others
3. Fail-proof difficulty or too high difficulty
Let people suffer if they want to. Make a difficulty that is always fair but challenging. Don't make games too easy or too hard. It is annoying if you can essentially breeze through a game unless that game is of the kind to breeze through, but also annoying if the game leaves you no chance at all. Let us set the difficulty we want, please. If you want to finish your RPG in 20 hours, so be it, but let me fight against the ultra-hard enemies for 100 hours!
Seen in: Many titles, gladly avoided also by many. As an example, Last Dream lets you set the difficulty in several levels and the highest IS a challenge while all others are more suitable for gamers that want to progress without too much grind.
4. Multiple playthroughs enforced to unlock game options
Do you like it if you play through a game and only after you finished it, the highest difficulty is unlocked? No? I also don't! Let me choose the difficulty I want, etc.
If you want multiple playthroughs for achievements, that is a different thing but also not nice.
Seen in: Duke Nukem Forever (that fangame from Gearbox Software, not the "more real" DNF that was released as a Duke Nukem 3D mod), DeathSpank 3
5. Multiple playthroughs needed for 100 percent completion
I finished the story. Why do I need to finish it again? This applies not if the game is different, i.e. different character classes in Diablo 2 are a nice example of multiple playthroughs that are acceptable.
Seen in: Deus Ex 3, Dishonored, etc. (both examples debatable), but also many games still avoid it.
6. Missable collectibles or collectibles distracting from the gameplay
What is the reason why I need to find intel in FPS games? When the setting fits and nothing is missable, I am fine with collectibles - in Far Cry 3, GTA, etc. they enhance the fun - but there are genres where collectibles just don't fit. Also, it is NOT fun for me to have to use a guide all the time just to make sure I miss nothing, instead of being able to play.
Seen in: Spec Ops: The Line, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock Infinite, etc.

7. Shitty console ports that run like garbage when they shouldn't because the people behind these games decided not to put any effort into the PC versions. So instead they just make the game play through a shitty unoptimized emulator. GTA IV is a good example of this. When it came out, powerful PCs were barely able to run it at 30fps and the game would just overheat lesser machines until they exploded in people's faces(I'm exaggerating a bit here but not too much). :)
8. Early Access games being shoved in your face(if you use Steam).
9. Companies abandoning unfinished broken games to move on to greener basically a lot of people get stuck with a $50 alpha or beta version...
10. Games that favor [specific] hardware or super powerful PCs. Poor gamers get fucked.
[11. Bad indie titles]
12. Not being able to sell your used PC games. In the past, when I did a lot of gaming on consoles, I found it awesome to be able to sell a bunch of my games for easy cash quickly.

Post edited April 13, 2014 by Protoss