Posted April 12, 2014

If a game is sold to adults only anyway, you should put in it whatever you want and an end of the world / post-war game without sex and violence seems rather strange to me, although I don't need it in other games.
Here in Germany we even have censored versions of already censored games that are only sold to adults.
In the German Fallout 1-3, there isn't even all the blood and gore and they completely removed children from Fallout 1+2 to hinder you killing them. Unfortunately, that makes at least one quest with a child to save unsolvable. -.-°
Blood patches and imports are quite popular here, as you can imagine!

I truly hate when the goverment tells you what games you are allowed to play as an adult -.-
"It's to protect children/peolpe/your pet dog!"
My parents allowed me to wantch and play anything, and I did. And I grew up to be perfectly normal. But this is a discussion of an other topic IMO ^-^