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Post edited December 20, 2013 by joelandsonja
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You must be fun at parties.
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Post edited December 20, 2013 by joelandsonja
Yes, I am tired of these pagans. Let's burn them at the stake.
low rated
Post edited December 20, 2013 by joelandsonja
tomimt: Yes, I am tired of these pagans. Let's burn them at the stake.
Is something bur...WAIT HEY STOP THAT!!!! *stomps out fire at feet* >.<

I rather not be set on fire thank you very much. :P
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
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Post edited December 20, 2013 by joelandsonja
Yes, the name of a videogame sale is crucial to Christianity. Get your priorities straight, geez.

Am I doing it right?
low rated
Post edited December 20, 2013 by joelandsonja
high rated
joelandsonja: When I opened my bookmark to today, I couldn't help being disappointed to see the title '2013 Solstice Festivmas' advertised on the front page. I have always been a solid supporter of, but I am tired of every corporation on earth taking the name of Christ out of Christmas. Corporations wouldn't even have the large bump in sales that they enjoy every year if it weren't for those who celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! I simply will never understand why these same companies are so quick to exclude the name of the one who is making them money! I don't mind if GOG wants to have seasonal sales like a Fall Sale, or a Winter Sale, etc ... but to purposely avoid calling it a Christmas sale, and instead focus your attention on the winter solstice ?? .... that makes no sense!

If you are going to monopolize on the Christmas holiday, at least have the guts to call it a CHRISTmas sale.
Might I point out that Christmas day probably wasn't the actual birth date of Jesus but rather a replacement for the winter solstice festivities in order to help convert "pagans" to Christianity?

Many religions base their holidays around these types of annual events - even Easter is based on the Jewish festival of Passover. So before you bash GOG for something, do a little research since not every single person on earth celebrates your personal holiday. Just sayin'
joelandsonja: Are you volunteering?
Well I got my matches, can of gasoline and a mind of a pyromanic. I'm all set here and christmas is a celebration of light.
Post edited December 19, 2013 by tomimt
low rated
Post edited December 20, 2013 by joelandsonja
joelandsonja: When I opened my bookmark to today, I couldn't help being disappointed to see the title '2013 Solstice Festivmas' advertised on the front page. I have always been a solid supporter of, but I am tired of every corporation on earth taking the name of Christ out of Christmas. Corporations wouldn't even have the large bump in sales that they enjoy every year if it weren't for those who celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! I simply will never understand why these same companies are so quick to exclude the name of the one who is making them money! I don't mind if GOG wants to have seasonal sales like a Fall Sale, or a Winter Sale, etc ... but to purposely avoid calling it a Christmas sale, and instead focus your attention on the winter solstice ?? .... that makes no sense!

If you are going to monopolize on the Christmas holiday, at least have the guts to call it a CHRISTmas sale.
Momo1991: Might I point out that Christmas day probably wasn't the actual birth date of Jesus but rather a replacement for the winter solstice festivities in order to help convert "pagans" to Christianity?

Many religions base their holidays around these types of annual events - even Easter is based on the Jewish festival of Passover. So before you bash GOG for something, do a little research since not every single person on earth celebrates your personal holiday. Just sayin'
I always found the scenery quiet beautiful at Solstice celebrations some friends of mine used to have. Now I'm really missing the old days...*sniffle*
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
joelandsonja: Are you volunteering?
tomimt: Well I got my matches, can of casoline and a mind of a pyromanic. I'm all set here and christmas is a celebration of light.
Quick let me get my collection of menorahs ;-p
Momo1991: Might I point out that Christmas day probably wasn't the actual birth date of Jesus but rather a replacement for the winter solstice festivities in order to help convert "pagans" to Christianity?

Many religions base their holidays around these types of annual events - even Easter is based on the Jewish festival of Passover. So before you bash GOG for something, do a little research since not every single person on earth celebrates your personal holiday. Just sayin'
joelandsonja: No kidding dude ... everyone knows the history of Christmas and Easter, but that's not the point. They are clearly monopolizing on the Christmas holiday to get more sales ...
And they MONOPOLIZED OUR SLEEP with the Insomnia Sale a few weeks back - quick, get the pitchforks and mount a posse!
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Momo1991