Antimateria: Just hated those when I got widescreen monitor and there was so much trouble with shadows and yet it was awesome to throw a bottle in enemy face and knock it out. ^^
Nirth: Haha, yeah. The co-op was surprisingly fun in that too, I played some with a friend and my brother in. It was a blast. Do you remember if you could throw bottles in co-op too?
Something I've noticed I'm bothered in Blacklist is the slight delay when you move your character, like he has to turn first, wait then you can start to walk. I'm used to it now and I actually never was discovered because of it but it still bothers me. I've always liked quick-reactionary controls especially if it comes to a situation where you have to quick to avoid detection. If someone wonders if it's my computer I doubt it as I've read on the Steam forums others have some similar issue and I think it's a design choice rather than a bug.
Well that some delay annoyed me but I don't really notice it when I took tesselation off. Runs better now and i mostly noticed it in the shortest epilogue ever (I mean intro thing). Still i took my time in that.. i paid a good money. =P
And I still have no friend who owns legally games or just bought that anyway. Would be neat though. And Pandora tomorrow.. Like I would get that anywhere in good conscience. =/
I'm getting used to the controls but still even how fluid I am.. one detection is my end almost always. Hardest is not easy. Turning.. I thing he mioves pretty (he moves =P.. a bit of typo correction) quick now.
uplay.. how many updates you do that slowly and befotre that.. Gamersgates download app.. "connection was reset" goddammit.. itb took a long time before I got to play it but at least it was worth the wait.. I mean at least I don't hate it. =)