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Yes, an RPG! Thanks for this giveaway. +1. I am in!
Count me in and +1 for you.

This is an excellent game that is in my list.

I've always liked RPGs because they tend to have puzzles like adventure games but you also have to fight enemies to improve your skills.
So far, only one RPG has disappointed me and I still had to finish it since I started playing it. It is Mario RPG. I hated the combat system, even more the sound it made each time you jumped over an enemy.
I'm in
Can't miss the chance for this D&D. Count me in please.

I like RPGs simply because they allow you to roleplay in a world different from my reality as someone else. Obviously my real life is boring and my world's just too small compared to the worlds I found in these games. My real life lacks of adventure. In these games you play as someone else. You take care of themselves as if yourself. You're adventuring and roleplaying in fantasy worlds.

Thanks for the giveaway, Melvinica.
In for theorangekid if that's alright. +1 for the GA
I'm in. Thank you and +1.
Count me in. Thx for giveaway
Im in! Habby new year!
Not in, but I'm glad I read the post so I could dust off my CDs and install the Co8 mod.

RPGs can be boring if all you have is glitz, so I love it when a story draws you in and makes you want to be there, fighting with your friends, growing with them, and building a character that at times reflects what and who you are and what you want to be or become (Chaotic Neutral anyone?). It doesn't hurt that it takes me back to when I used to roll a dice, for advantage, for bonus, and whether or not that log in front of me would make me miss and potentially impale myself. The last one I sorely miss from a PC game.
Not in, but +1 for the giveaway.
not entering, however this evil very evil giveaway has brought me here for other reasons. I here by grant this evil giveaway the offcial seal of evil!

captain kobold death: We are out of seals sir. yip yip.

Me: time for plan b then. This evil giveaway gets a evil thumbs up from me.
Not in - but +1 to you.
Count me in! +1 And I like RPGs for the stories!
le_chevalier: snip
Thanks for the giveaway Melvinica!

Please allow me to enter for le_chevalier if that's allowed.
I'm in thanks. Nice giveaway.