GameRager: Thing is he probably can't...he's that far gone into blind belief of whatever theories he's clawed onto.
slash11: WTC 7, WTC 2, WTC 1 fell all in free fall speed. You can only explain this by a controlled demolition and that is certain for me no matter what "experts" try to convince me otherwise.
And that's why YOU fail. YOU don't understand the mechanics, the physics, OR the engineering behind the events that led upto the collpases.
Which is why I told you to go study some courses on it. For yourself. And not rely on web-tards and YouTube.
But you won't, because that would entail hard work, and many years, and you'd rather just be spoon-fed the shit so you don't have to think for yourself.
I repeat : Go away, little mind, and bother us no more with these absurd claims.
At least until you can provide a DECENT basis for your claims!