Skystrider: Jack Orlando.. Hmm... An adventure game I have not played. Looks interesting, so I think I will pick it up later this week. Nice promo indeed! ;)
DrIstvaan: It IS a nice adventure, if you are not put off by its pretty horrible voice acting. Some of the puzzles are in the killer category IMO, but for someone who enjoys adventure games, they may be OK.
It's well worth the price. Some of the puzzles are a bit crazy (though i think they are all logical, been a while since i played it), however you can always use a walkthrough. That's the thing with adventure games i have gotten stuck for ages on something that was so easy it is embarassing to admit (even got stuck a couple of times on Sam & Max series one, if you can believe such a thing) and yet have breezed through some obscure and illogical puzzles without thinking.
Baking cookies (Still Life), WTF, how did that make sense? Why was it even in the game ? Why ?