juancho: Okay, need advise, 2150, 2160 or JA2?
Depends on what you are after. RTS then Earth game (personally, I go with 2150), TBS then JA2.
The setting will also affect your choice. You want future science fiction type setting Earth game; you want earth paramilitary setting JA2.
I own GOG version of 2150 and JA2 and I think I like JA2 better. This is the first place I ever played JA2.
Each person is different, but I think JA2 is a great game and not easy. Earth has some great game play, but you have to get use to it first. Meaning things like, designing your own units, researching tech trees, etc..
The one thing I do not care for in the Earth series is that Naval units are absolutely worthless. With the Lunar Corporation's hover technology they effectively have naval units at the start of the game.
You will not go too far wrong with any of the ones you list, but just know some of the basic differences between them.