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Dear UK, could you please GTFO? Thank you... we shall carry any luggage you might have.

Beware, there are 29 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion Romanians and Bulgarians trying to invade you, RUN! Build a wall or something
My personal opinion is that the poms are being really whiny little bitches about the EU from what I've seen, it's like they think they're still as important as when they had an Empire, and not just another European country with the rest. They would probably rather become a US state than even admit that they exist on the same continental plate as Europe.

Unwarranted self-importance.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Crosmando

Dear UK, could you please GTFO? Thank you... we shall carry any luggage you might have.

Beware, there are 29 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion Romanians and Bulgarians trying to invade you, RUN! Build a wall or something
I'm just packing my stuff to invade. Unfortunately I have so much stuff to pack that it might take about 50 years. So don't expect me too soon :P
Yay, the child abuse thing again. It's Zensursula all over again. Something's telling me that even our caveman ancestors were more capable of learning from previous and others' mistakes.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by F4LL0UT
F4LL0UT: Yay, the child abuse thing again. It's Zensursula all over again. Something's telling me that even our caveman ancestors were more capable of learning from previous and others' mistakes.
It's because conservatives always need one group of people to hate, they can't channel their emotions with anything but hatred. Because hating homosexuals is no longer in fashion, they hate on pedophiles or whatever (well not even "pedophiles" mostly, just some random people who happen to have seen porn on the internet featuring a girl younger than 16/18). Same deal with "War on Drugs", "War on Illegal Immigration", they love to hate on symptoms to get their "family values" constituents angry, but never want to address the source of social ills.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Crosmando
F4LL0UT: Yay, the child abuse thing again. It's Zensursula all over again. Something's telling me that even our caveman ancestors were more capable of learning from previous and others' mistakes.
If cavemen didn't resolve their issues, they died. I wonder what would happen if world's goverments got an ultimatum to resolve a specific issue and if they run out of time, they get their heads chopped off...
"...restrict the ability of parents to protect their children from inappropriate content on line."
My parents protected me by putting a password on the PC with internet :P

IMO it's the parent's responsibility if a small child is allowed to search the internet alone, not the goverment's, but that just my 2 cents.
UK can disagree =/
MadyNora: IMO it's the parent's responsibility if a small child is allowed to search the internet alone, not the goverment's, but that just my 2 cents.
UK can disagree =/
NO! The state must COLLECT ALL CHILDREN and put them in specialized Children Raising Safety Zone (tm). This zone is completely devoid of all bacteria and viruses, as well as any negative emotions, life experiences or just implications. That way when they get out into the real world they can die real fast and don't have to suffer life.
Fenixp: NO! The state must COLLECT ALL CHILDREN and put them in specialized Children Raising Safety Zone (tm). This zone is completely devoid of all bacteria and viruses, as well as any negative emotions, life experiences or just implications. That way when they get out into the real world they can die real fast and don't have to suffer life.
My thoughts exactly :D
MadyNora: IMO it's the parent's responsibility if a small child is allowed to search the internet alone, not the goverment's, but that just my 2 cents.
UK can disagree =/
Fenixp: NO! The state must COLLECT ALL CHILDREN and put them in specialized Children Raising Safety Zone (tm). This zone is completely devoid of all bacteria and viruses, as well as any negative emotions, life experiences or just implications.
Do they also get to learn gun kata?
Post edited May 19, 2014 by silviucc
Another chapter in the book of "UK & Europe : the ins and outs"
I really hope the UK citizens shoot this down. It's bad enough it the UK alone kills its own net neutrality, but draggin all of the UE with them would be a real dick move.
I get the impression from BBC and other European news sites that the UK isn't really on board with a lot of the EU's goals of unifying Europe and giving up individual power, so why is it a member?

Honest question.
If the EU would fuck off on certain other issues that they want to strip from the UK and the policies they seem to only enforce a a very select few area's (Such as % of energy from renewable s) we may consider stopping being dicks about minor irritations. Most of the UK is sick to the back teeth of the EU and the chances are given the option we will tell you to fuck off given the chance in a referendum.

If you think things are bad now wait till the European elections in the next few weeks IIRC the UK independence party are going to win a fair number of votes as a protest vote. The only party that is saying they will not give us a vote on Europe is the lib dems and lets face it, they dont stand a snowflakes chance in hell of even a power share at the moment, they are hated more than basically any other party in the UK now.
The EU rules are working as designed. If you don't like the design, well...

StingingVelvet: I get the impression from BBC and other European news sites that the UK isn't really on board with a lot of the EU's goals of unifying Europe and giving up individual power, so why is it a member?

Honest question. may help explain part of the history involved.