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StingingVelvet: I get the impression from BBC and other European news sites that the UK isn't really on board with a lot of the EU's goals of unifying Europe and giving up individual power, so why is it a member?

Honest question.
Because some idiots signed us up for bits of it and that was bad. we sacrificed a lot of our trade deals with other nations to be a founding member but not a full member.

Margaret Thatcher managed to claw back some of our freedom from Europe(only good thing she did) but then the dicks in the labour party gave it all and more back.

Europe also wants to strip the banking sector out of london and move it to brussels IIRC.
So basically you fellows want only the good stuff with none of the bad. Ah, ffs, why don't you say so?

I'm still preparing to invade, look out!
MadyNora: hmm..
"...restrict the ability of parents to protect their children from inappropriate content on line."
My parents protected me by putting a password on the PC with internet :P

IMO it's the parent's responsibility if a small child is allowed to search the internet alone, not the goverment's, but that just my 2 cents.
UK can disagree =/
That minister is full of shit. If he was an honest man he would of said "will not agree to any proposals that restrict the ability of the wealthy to make more money from the internet.” Like the UK really cares about families and children. LOL
Post edited May 19, 2014 by monkeydelarge
reaver894: Most of the UK is sick to the back teeth of the EU and the chances are given the option we will tell you to fuck off given the chance in a referendum.
Beware, there are 29 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion Romanians and Bulgarians trying to invade you, RUN! Build a wall or something
That is all funny until you have to put up with the immigration bollocks in the country. The only thing I have seen this past five years is my friends struggling to get houses for their wives and kids because of a large horde of low life thieving euro pricks coming in with their drugs, taking our housing with their 4 children and destroying our local community. My son can not even have a Halloween party at school because it's not considerate to the large amount of foreigners believes. SO as someone who has to live with this shit... go fuck yourself!
StingingVelvet: I get the impression from BBC and other European news sites that the UK isn't really on board with a lot of the EU's goals of unifying Europe and giving up individual power, so why is it a member?
Because otherwise they would have no power to cock block the EU. The sad part is that the UK politicians blame all evils on the EU and the citizens believe them, they have them eating from the palm of their hand.

Again, what was the name of that Tom Clancy novel where the USA launches an attack on the Europe using the UK as a springboard?
Beware, there are 29 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion Romanians and Bulgarians trying to invade you, RUN! Build a wall or something
darthspudius: That is all funny until you have to put up with the immigration bollocks in the country. The only thing I have seen this past five years is my friends struggling to get houses for their wives and kids because of a large horde of low life thieving euro pricks coming in with their drugs, taking our housing with their 4 children and destroying our local community. My son can not even have a Halloween party at school because it's not considerate to the large amount of foreigners believes. SO as someone who has to live with this shit... go fuck yourself!
Whatever blocks your govt puts in place for people looking for honest work won't ever fix the problem with various criminal elements from EU member states or non-member states... you get only the criminals and not the hard working professionals.

So, yeah, FU too and demand that your police force stops chasing people looking at boobies on the internet instead of actually catching criminals.
Beware, there are 29 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion Romanians and Bulgarians trying to invade you, RUN! Build a wall or something
darthspudius: That is all funny until you have to put up with the immigration bollocks in the country. The only thing I have seen this past five years is my friends struggling to get houses for their wives and kids because of a large horde of low life thieving euro pricks coming in with their drugs, taking our housing with their 4 children and destroying our local community. My son can not even have a Halloween party at school because it's not considerate to the large amount of foreigners believes. SO as someone who has to live with this shit... go fuck yourself!
Foreigners aren't preventing your son from having a Halloween Party. It's your retarded draconian politically correct 1984 government. Blame them. Here in the USA, we have so many immigrants and illegal immigrants and guess what? We can still throw Halloween Parties...
Post edited May 19, 2014 by monkeydelarge
This is a 2 way street, the EU point at us for blocking things and we point at the EU for various things, those that do their research will find out that there is a lot that goes on under the table.

The UK is being a bit of a dick in it at the moment as a protest, And if the EU really did believe we were the cause of all the issues they face there are policies in place to remove even founding members, and lets face it, most people in the UK would welcome that.
reaver894: ... And if the EU really did believe we were the cause of all the issues they face there are policies in place to remove even founding members, and lets face it, most people in the UK would welcome that.
You are living in negation, the UK politicians will NEVER apply to leave the EU, they would lose their one and only scapegoat and would have to start explaining their citizens why they are not doing their job. Obviously the UK will never do something so gross that warrants expulsion from the EU, just your everyday cock blocking.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by mangamuscle
reaver894: ... And if the EU really did believe we were the cause of all the issues they face there are policies in place to remove even founding members, and lets face it, most people in the UK would welcome that.
mangamuscle: You are living in negation, the UK politicians will NEVER apply to leave the EU, they would lose their one and only scapegoat and would have to start explaining their citizens why they are not doing their job. Obviously the UK will never do something so gross that warrants expulsion from the UK, just your everyday cock blocking.
Referrendums have been promised in the past and are in most parties policy's come the next election. My personal belief is only UKIP have the stones to actually do it but they i doubt will ever get the power to force it. but I live in hope that one day the public will get to tell Europe to go fuck itself.
reaver894: Referrendums have been promised ...
No politician in human history has gone broke due to a promise to his constituents.
reaver894: Referrendums have been promised ...
mangamuscle: No politician in human history has gone broke due to a promise to his constituents.
Tell you what, When mexico joins the EU and gets shafted you may believe as most UK people do, that its a shitty state of affairs,
Unfortunately for Europe, british domestic policy is clashing. Our Prime Minister has been pushing to get pornographic sites blocked by default for a while (users would have to ask their ISP to not block such sites). Yes I know it's fairly ridiculous, but consider for a moment;

1) Child abuse and the effect of pornography on young adults has been a notable topic among families in the UK in recent years.
2) The rhetoric appeals strongly to the core Tory vote (one he is currently struggling to hang onto). I should also point out most of the core Tory vote wouldn't understand the foolishness of the proposal, nor would they understand the first thing about net neutrality.

Conclusion; this is a pet project of our PM, and as far as I can tell Europe's plans would cock block him.

Just my take on the situation. Hopefully common sense will prevail.
I wonder, how do you guys fare when it comes to competition between broadband internet providers?

I smell a rat... a big one in the form of an old telecom company that won't let go of the past and has friends in the govt.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by silviucc