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Age of Wonders, King of Dragon Pass, Darwinia, and other strategy classics up to 80% off!

We know that you like to be in charge. We know that you like that feeling of power and the constant pressure of one life-and-death decision after another. Whether you are in the battlefield, commanding your troops, in a warlord's tent deciding the life and death of your subjects, or in a city hall, placing miniature buildings on a map--you flourish. Leadership is your element. Knowing that, we've prepared a [url=]Supremacy Special promo to cater to your tastes. Or rather: to nourish that ever-present hunger for power that you have. Let's take a look at a few of the games on this weekend's offer, shall we?

If you've been eyeing Age of Wonders 3, but you're unsure if it will suit your taste well, this is your chance to sample the concepts of the series. On this promo you'll find all of its predecessors: Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne, and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, which offers virtually infinite playtime with its random map generator feature. If you like turn-based strategy games following the time-proven explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate scheme, but you haven't had the chance to play these games, now you can--for half the regular price, with the first game for as little as $2.99 and both sequels for $4.99 each!

The unique storytelling gem King of Dragon Pass puts you in charge of a clan of colonists in an unexplored territory. The ways the story of your clan can unfold are virtually limitless! Every single decision you make affects the slowly-unravelling tale. There's consequence to every action in this game and the choices between right or wrong rarely are apparent. Wrong choices don't end the game, though. Like in real life, they just make things harder. This community favorite, one of the highest-rated games on (and rightfully so!), can be yours for only $2.39.

If you enjoy the turn-based mechanics of the Heroes of Might and Magic series, but you would like to immerse yourself even deeper in a complex and extensive gameworld, don't miss Eador: Genesis. When we originally released this Russian masterpiece, we said that the single-player campaign can take up to 200 hours to beat. Our colleague from the support team, who knows the game by heart came asking later how did we come up with such a number. We told him, that 200 hours is the expected playtime stated by the developer. "Must have been a speedrun"--our friend commented, and we believe him ( support is known to be trustworthy, afterall). So brace yourselves--for only $2.39 you'll get more than 200 hours of playtime.

But that's only scratching the surface of our weekend promo! There are many more games to challenge your leadership skills on the Supremacy Special promo page, so go ahead and check them out now! The offer will last until Tuesday, April 29, at 3:59AM GMT.
Drakeer: Gamespy servers are about to get closed

Yeah, I meant eastern! Thanks!
spoonwhale: So it has online multiplayer until it gets closed, then?

That's a bummer. What about Age of Wonders?
It also has direct IP online, but it is just not the same. :-(

Anyway the game is worth it just for the single player, campaign, skirmishes or LAN capabilities.
Niggles: Whenever i look at Defcon another game (who's title eludes me) keeps coming to mind --- cant recall if it was a c64 or a pc game -- but had similar (if more primitive graphics) kind of mechanics and gameplay..Nato and Warsaw pact were prominent. I know its a bit off topic but anyone remember the game? ....
lazydog: C64? Probably Theatre Europe. I bought Defcon on this sale just because I hope its similar :)
Thats the one!!!. Loved it back in the day. Thank you :)...
Elinnea: I'm looking at Age of Wonders, King of Dragon Pass, and Eador: Genesis. I'm positive I will enjoy all of them, and can't wait to dig in!

One question though: does anyone have thoughts on how these games compare in terms of length and the one-more-turn syndrome? At the moment with my schedule I do better with games that are shorter or else can be put down and picked up across multiple sittings. Is there one of those three that would be best (or worst) from that standpoint?
Huinehtar: I can't say for the other games, but while King of Dragon Pass could seem to be a "choose your own adventure book", and in that way could seem to be fair or easy, it isn't the case.

For instance, you can't succeed if you only do nice actions or bad actions even in the Easy mode. While most of games having choices and consequences are more games with the illusion that C&C are really efficient, KoDP is one of the games which have really a non-linear path. You will never have the same game if you play again once, twice or... Lots of choice to make, lots of random events...

You are the "spirit" of a clan. So you can decide which person is the chief, and who are in the ring. Those people will be advisors. But remember that King of Dragon Pass uses the Hero Wars setting, which is from one of the first roleplaying game settings. The setting stands in the world Gloranthia, and is very documented, as the setting has evolved deeper and deeper. Yes, KoDP only uses a little part of Gloranthia (the Dragon Pass), the mythos and the History are really interesting, the atmosphere is very particular: a celtic-scandinavian vibe mixed with "classic" fantasy things and some other surprises ^^. But what is really interesting is the fact that the whole is coherent. I never said "WTF?!" when playing KoDP. Because of this atmosphere, it is important to keep in mind that customs of these fantasy people and factions are closer to ancient customs than modern ideologies and religions.

So, that world is full of shades of Grey. You can have a random clan or create you own clan with its own history and its own traditions. A war clan or a peace clan or a balanced one. But even if you choose a peace clan, you won't have pacifists in the current common logic. You will have to use force sometimes because you will need to impose respect. And if you choose a war clan, you won't be forced to spread war everytime because your followers could be unhappy and most of all wouldn't have the time to harvest and your people will die of starving.

The "one-more-turn" syndrome can easily be there, but as I previously said, KoDP isn't an easy game, so while I used to clic without really thinking about my decisions, I am now more careful about every decision, even those which seem insignificant at first!

So be warned: it isn't a easy game, it may create a "one-more-turn" syndrome or not, but it is rewarding and fascinating. And each game you run is a story that nobody else will have.
Thanks for this description. It sounds intriguing!
You guys are terrible. :) I came here to shortlist the games I'm looking at, but only ended up with a longer list.

But actually here's a thanks in advance to you guys as it sounds like that's how I'll feel when I start playing some of the games here.
Still waiting Cossacks 2 to arrive on GOG.
Dear GOG,
Little more than 24 hrs ago, after looking into my immense gamming backlog I make a resolution to NOT buying new games 'till summer. And then you guys step in with this Promo, and my resolution goes into the drain, faster than free beer at the bachelor party... GOG, you glorious bastards!
spoonwhale: So it has online multiplayer until it gets closed, then?

That's a bummer. What about Age of Wonders?
Drakeer: It also has direct IP online, but it is just not the same. :-(

Anyway the game is worth it just for the single player, campaign, skirmishes or LAN capabilities.
How does direct IP online work?
phaolo: - Galactic Civilizations: are the sequels better?
Yes, GalCiv 2 is way better than GalCiv 1.

For example, the UI has been greatly improved, the tech tree is a bit more streamlined and no longer so convoluted, the game mechanics are more clear, you can play as one of the other races (or make your own) instead of being limited to the Terrans, each race has its own tech tree and some unique buildings, you can design your own ships (both their looks and what components they use) instead of simply unlocking them via research, plus a lot more.

The only downsides are, that space monsters are gone, Terror Stars (think Death Stars, but destroying whole star-systems instead of just planets) got nerfed, and Minor Races (neutrals) can no longer colonise planets (but that can be fixed via modding).
Just a fair warning, the Cossacks Anthology does not include the Campaign Expansion for Back to War.
zaine-h: Just a fair warning, the Cossacks Anthology does not include the Campaign Expansion for Back to War.
Voted .
At the end of the day: Defcon, Fragile Allegiance, AoW1.
I humbly but strongly recommend Age of Wonders and King of Dragon Pass for medieval fantasy strategy fans.
Got that Hacker game, might be cool for short bursts of diversion.
Sorry, slight venting ahead:
I always find it annoying that GOG is not displaying the discounts for each game in such promos. It's like they feel they have to hide the values. While it might be good training for my brain to figure out myself if a price is 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80% of the base price, I just hate it. It's not a nice game. I don't want to play it anymore.
To not disturb fellow GOGers I better not repeat this too often. Last time I mentioned it.
high rated
Trilarion: Sorry, slight venting ahead:
I always find it annoying that GOG is not displaying the discounts for each game in such promos. It's like they feel they have to hide the values. While it might be good training for my brain to figure out myself if a price is 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80% of the base price, I just hate it. It's not a nice game. I don't want to play it anymore.
To not disturb fellow GOGers I better not repeat this too often. Last time I mentioned it.
Age of Wonders - 2.99 sale - 5.99 standard - 50 percent off
Age of Wonders 2 The Wizard's Throne - 4.99 - 9.99 standard - 50 percent off
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic - 4.99 - 9.99 standard - 50 percent off
Battle Realms + Winter of the Wolf - 3.99 - 9.99 standard - 60 percent off
King of Dragon Pass - 2.39 - 5.99 standard - 60 percent off
Overlord & Raising Hell - 3.99 - 9.99 standard - 60 percent off
Cossacks Anthology - 2.39 - 5.99 standard - 60 percent off
Nexus The Jupiter Incident - 3.99 - 9.99 standard - 60 percent off
Uplink Hacker Elite - 1.19 - 5.99 standard - 80 percent off
Defcon - 1.99 - 9.99 standard - 80 percent off
Darwinia - 1.99 - 9.99 standard - 80 percent off
Multiwinia - 1.99 - 9.99 standard - 80 percent off
Galactic Civilizations 1 Ultimate Edition - 3.99 - 9.99 standard - 60 percent off
Fragile Allegiance - 2.39 - 5.99 standard - 60 percent off
American Conquest + Fight Back - 2.39 - 5.99 standard - 60 percent off
Eador Genesis - 2.39 - 5.99 standard - 60 percent off
Zafehouse Diaries - 3.99 - 9.99 standard - 60 percent off
Heroes of Annihilated Empires - 3.99 - 9.99 standard - 60 percent off